




    CNC lathe automatic mechanism design and motion simulation base on MCD

    Abstract: In the new era of Industry 4.0, Cooperation between China and Germany.Mechanical conceptual design provides a theoretical basis for Industry 4.0. In the MCD platform can be better to complete the design of machinery. Reduce the social cost of production and improve work efficiency. This paper based on the MCD platform for the design of CNC lathe and refueling mechanism motion control simulation.

         This graduation design is an analysis on the transmission mechanism of CNC lathe. Design of driving Mechanism and mechanical mechanism is main,A detailed analysis of the process of refueling, Reasonable design of mechanical mechanism. And taking into account the practical feasibility and rationality.Refueling mechanism and model material platform structure . And the mechanical and electrical properties of the three dimensional model are defined by the mechanical and electrical concept design module in NX. The different forms of motion are defined by the hinge pair, the sliding pair and the fixed pair. Finally, through the simulation sequence completed the refueling movement mechanism simulation, And then through the SIEMENS PLC software to export the NX code is compiled and modified, Finally in the connection through the OPC. Thus, the control of motion simulation of NX 3D model is realized

    Through the design of the comprehensive use of the theoretical knowledge of the past. To completed the design of the mechanical mechanism. And improve the ability of our NX 3D and 2D modeling. And understanding of the application of mechanical concepts in the design of the module NX. Through the simulation sequence completed the motion simulation of CNC machine tool refueling mechanism. Finally through the SIEMENS PLC software to achieve a three-dimensional model of the NX motion simulation control. Finally through the MCD platform to complete the design model of the reasonableness of the correction, to achieve a combination of virtual and reality.

    KeyWords:Refueling mechanism; Conceptual Design; PLC; MCD

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景 1

    1.2 机电一体化产品概念设计系统 1

    1.2.1 传统机电产品概念设计系统

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