


    Structural optimization design of spindle parts of EX-106 CNC lathe

    Abstract:High precision, high speed machine is a trend in the development of modern CNC machine tool, the machine tool structure design optimization is an important way to improve the precision of the machine tool. The components of CNC lathe spindle structure design, and using the finite element simulation analysis software to optimize the structure design. The main contents include: according to the design standards and parameters to complete the structural design on the spindle; reasonable choice of supporting scheme; proper lubrication and sealing. To complete the preliminary design of the structure, the structure is analyzed by finite element method. The traditional experience design, analog design calculation, long time consumption, modify complex, therefore, the finite element software optimization The design has gradually replaced the traditional design method. The design of finite element analysis is a key part of the design of the ANSYS software, according to the structure design of spindle design good model and simulation analysis, according to the output displacement, stress distribution, find the weak links, targeted for structure adjustment, optimization design is completed.

    KeyWords:CNC lathe;bearing configuration; Lubrication and seal;spindle parts;finite element analysis 


    1 绪论1

      1.1 基本概念1

        1.1.1 数控机床的含义1

        1.1.2 数控机床的特点1

        1.1.3 数控机床的组成及其原理1

      1.2 数控机床的发展2

        1.2.1 数控机床的发展状况2

        1.2.2 数控车床主轴系统的发展状况2 

      1.3 研究意义3

      1.4 设计思路3

      1.5 研究内容与方法4

    2 主轴部件设计5

      2.1 设计要求及措施5

        2.1.1 旋转精度5

        2.1.2 刚度6

        2.1.3 抗振性6

        2.1.4 温升和热变形7

        2.1.5 耐磨性7

        2.1.6 设计要求小结7

      2.2 主轴设计8

        2.2.1 主轴材料和热处理8

        2.2.2 主轴结构形状设计8

        2.2.3 主轴主要参数设计9

        2.2.4 主轴技术要求12

      2.3 轴承配置方案12

        2.3.1 轴承型号选择13

        2.3.2 轴承的配置方式14

        3.3.3 间隙与预紧16

        2.3.4 轴承的精度与配合17

      2.4 润滑17

        2.4.1 脂润滑17

        2.4.2 油润滑18

        2.4.3 润滑方案18

      2.5 密封18

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