


    关键词  云台  PID控制  ARM  MPU-6050  RoboMasters 


    Title    The design of cradle head and communication of   the robotic car based on the Robomasters       


    This study is aimed at designing a suit of highly efficient and stable communication system and PTZ control system for the robot car with good operability and stability in a setting of "RoboMasters National Students' Robot Contest" according to the contest rules, knowledge and control of electrical theory.

    This paper firstly introduces the development status of RoboMasters National College Students Robot Contest ,overall design requirements and the current research of PTZ;then make a presentation of overall design of the system; using ARM chips as controller chips,brushless DC motor as the source power, write and debug in KeilμVision4 development environment,designed a kind of PTZ with two degrees of freedom control system for join four Mecanum wheel robot mobile platforms with bullet firing mechanism, introduced the remote communications module, MPU6050 six-axis sensor applications, brushless DC motor CAN communication and PID control, and finally optimize the program through experiments .

    Keywords  cradle head  PID control  ARM  MPU-6050  Robomasters

    目   次

    1  绪  论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状及发展动态 3

    1.3  本课题的研究内容 4

    2  系统设计方案 6

    2.1  机器人车整车机械结构介绍 6

    2.2   控制系统硬件介绍 9

    2.3  小结 17

    3  基于ARM的云台控制系统软件设计 18

    3.1  控制系统总体方案 19

    3.2  控制系统开发环境 19

    3.3  遥控器与接收机通信协议 19

    3.4  MPU-6050六轴传感器应用 22

    3.5  CAN通信协议设计 25

    3.6  小结 29

    4  基于PID算法的云台电机控制算法 30

    4.1  PID 简介 30

    4.2  云台控制算法 32

    4.3  云台总体控制 35

    4.4 小结 36

    5  系统测试及调试

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