

    关键词:空调  可靠性分析  失效模式  故障分析  维修大纲  CARMES应用


    Title    conditioning reliability analysis and maintenance outline design                    


    With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more families and businesses are using air conditionings. It has become a necessary device in people’s life. But the performance of air conditioning still has many problems, which need to be improved to meet people's needs. 

    This paper has analyzed the structure and reliability of air conditioning system and build up the reliability model. Then analysis the faults, build up the fault trees, and draw up the air condition fault rating index. This paper describes the application of reliability analysis software CARMES, which can make the system more comprehensive and effective to analyze the reliability of the system. A reasonable and feasible maintenance and repair strategy is developed, which can help to improve the maintenance of air conditioning system and help to improve the performance of the air conditioning system.

    Keywords: air conditioner  reliability analysis  failure mode  fault analysis  Maintenance outline  CARMES application 

    目   次

    1.1 论文的研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 可靠性工程发展概况 1

    1.3 空调行业可靠性工作概况 2

    2 可靠性基础理论及应用 4

    2.1 可靠性概述 4

    2.2 可靠性特征量与失效率曲线 4

    2.3 可靠性设计与分析 5

    2.4 本文主要研究工作 7

    3 空调器的可靠性分析 8

    3.1 空调器的基本结构 8

    3.2 空调工作的基本原理 9

    3.3 空调的可靠性建模 12

    3.4 CRAMES软件可靠性辅助分析 16

    4 空调器故障分析 23

    4.1 故障模式影响及危害性分析FMECA 23

    4.2 空调常见失效模式分析 23

    4.3 空调故障分析 25

    4.4 空调常见故障具体分析 29

    4.5 空调故障指标评级 34

    4.6 CRAMES软件故障辅助分析 35

    5 维修大纲设计 39

    5.1 维修性 39

    5.2 空调维修性的定性要求 39

    5.3 空调维修大纲设计

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