    [毕业论文关键词]: 射流电沉积;修复;工艺设计
    Part Repairing Process design for deposition of micro particle jet
    Abstract  Nowadays, China has become the world's largest industrial country, every year because of wear and tear of the parts are not the number of discarded, which caused a great waste of energy and the environment has a great impact. However, this research is aimed at the old mechanical parts, through a certain way or means to restore the size and the use of mechanical components, so that the waste parts can continue to use. This experiment has an important strategic significance for prolonging the service life of the machine, improving the efficiency of the equipment and realizing the sustainable development.
      The experimental study on particle jet electrodeposition, analysis of various factors on the degree of influence of the material surface quality, including: current intensity, water injection rate, machining feed rate, electrolyte composition, different experimental factors on the coating surface quality influence, these studies can get the best coating, on the basis of parts repair of rigorous scientific process design.
    Key Words:Jet electrodeposition   repair   process planning
     目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2微粒射流电沉积修复工艺的国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1微粒射流电沉积的发展历史及研究现状    1
    1.2.2目前的修复方法    2
    1.3微粒射流电沉积修复技术的研究意义    3
    1.4微粒射流电沉积零件修复工艺的研究内容    3
    第二章射流电沉积的基本原理、介绍和操作过程    4
    2.1射流电沉积的基本原理    4
    2.2 微粒射流电沉积的基本过程    4
    2.3 微粒射流电沉积机构的整体结构    5
    2.4 实验器材    6
    2.4.1 实验机床的选择    6
            2.4.2 电源    7
    2.4.3 水泵    9
    2.4.4 流量计    10
    2.4.5 喷嘴    11
    2.4.6 电解槽    13
    2.4.7 电解液回收罐    14
    2.5 实验操作过程    16
    2.5.1电解液的选择    16
    2.5.2电解液的配制    18
    2.5.3实验主程序的编写    19
    2.5.4实验的具体操作    20
    第三章  设计修复工艺,修复工装设计    21
    3.1具体实验    21
    3.2工装设计    23
    3.3修复工艺的设计    23
    第四章  总结和展望    24
    参考文献    26
    致谢    28
    第一章 绪论
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