    关键词: 振荡射流,三文建模,数值仿真,流场特性
    Title   The Experiment of Supersonic Oscillating Jet                      
    Abstract As active flow control actuator, the fluidic oscillator, has a broad application prospect in jet mixing enhancement, in the field of separation control, thrust vectoring and restraining the noise. Currently research on jet oscillator mainly concentrated on subsonic flow range, the ultrasonic velocity of flow characteristics and flow control applications are rarely studied. As one of the fluidic oscillator ,the cavity resonance oscillator has many advantages ,such as simple structure, steady oscillation frequency characteristics, in this paper ,the supersonic cavity resonance oscillation jet is intended to be the main research object, the experimental platform is designed and the numerical simulation is carried out, and the experimental study is focused on the mixing, frequency and flow characteristics of the oscillating jet..
    Firstly of supersonic jet oscillation experiments were structural design and three-dimensional modeling, then the determination of the related dimensions with the help of aerodynamics functions,finally, on the flow field numerical simulation is carried out using the FLUENT software, and analysis of the static pressure in the flow field , the temperature, Mach number and other characteristics according to the simulation results.
    It is hoped that the development of this experiment will expand the understanding of the oscillating jet mechanism and lay the foundation for the further research on the application of the cavity oscillating jet.
    Keywords: oscillating jet, 3D modeling, numerical simulation, flow field characteristics
    目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状分析    2
    1.2.1振动式风力发电机风力机及风能采集的研究概况    2
    1.2.2 冲击射流非稳定性在军事及工业上的应用概况    3
    1.2.3 冲击射流非稳定性及其与弹性体耦合振动技术研究状况    5
    1.3本文研究内容    6
    1.3.1概述    6
    1.3.2实验仪器背景介绍    6
    1.4 本章小结    8
    2. 实验台设计及说明    9
    2.1 总体实验模型介绍    9
    2.2 实验模型分零件介绍    10
    2.2.1 实验段部分    10
    2.2.2 侧壁    11
    2.2.3 光学玻璃    11
    2.2.4玻璃边框    12
    2.2.5 方法兰    13
    2.2.6底座与支撑架    14
    2.3实验测量仪器介绍    14
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