    关键词   射流冲击   对流换热   冷却结构   薄层   冷板   

    Title  The design and calculation of thin shaped flow jet  impingement cooling device                 
    With the rapid development of electronic technology, the heat and heat flux density of the the the electronic devices has been increasing dramatically as a result of the high-frequency and high-speed of electronic devices and the concentration and miniaturization of integrated circuit. Thus,the cooling of electronic devices has becoming very prominent and important. Liquid jet impingement cooling is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem of heat dissipation of electronic components with high heat flux, this technology can produce extremely high convective heat transfer coefficient in local space. However,because of its heat transfer mechanism is very complex, the theory has not been perfect and mature. This paper presented a design of a thin layer of cold plate with array jet impingement cooling structure,established reasonable model through optimizing the structure parameters of the cold plate. And used Fluent to do the simulation analysis,verified the cooling effect of thin layer cold plate and determined the uniformity factors of temperature and flow by doing analysis of the simulation results.
    Keywords  jet impingement  convective heat transfer  cooling structure         
              thin layer    cold plate      
    目  录
    1  绪言    1
    1.1  应用背景与研究意义    1
    1.2  射流冲击的相关理论研究    1
    1.2.1  单射流冲击理论    1
    1.2.2  阵列射流冲击理论    3
    1.2.3  喷射结构及影响因素    3
    1.2.4  阵列冲击射流冷却的应用    4
    1.3  本文主要工作    6
    2  射流冲击冷板的冷却结构设计    7
    2.1  引言    7
    2.2  冷板的冷却结构的建立    7
    2.3  薄层冷板的冷却结构参数设计    8
    2.3.1  总体尺寸    8
    2.3.2  喷射孔径的设计选择    8
    2.3.3  喷射距离设计    12
    2.3.4  冷板结构参数的优化    13
    3  Fluent软件对冷板内射流冲击冷却的仿真分析    14
    3.1  引言    14
    3.2  射流冲击冷板的模型建立    14
    3.2.1  冷板的实体模型    14
    3.2.2  实体模型的仿真计算    15
    3.3  冷板模型的仿真计算结果分析    15
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