    毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要  通过对目前的步枪发展状况进行概述,分析了现代步枪的发展趋势,提出了“回”字形运动枪机供弹机构的理念,并该机构的循环动作进行了解析。该机构不但能实现如同俄罗斯AN-94 突击步枪高频点射、变射频及延迟后座等技术动作。而且结构相比于AN-94 突击步枪简单了很多。之后对典型供弹机构进行分析,考虑到“回”字形运动枪机的供弹频率高,后坐不压弹等特点之后,提出了适合该机构的供弹机构方案。文章主要对该供弹机构进行机构尺寸计算,证明其供弹及时性。最后通过该计算结果进行工程图纸的绘制。
    关键词   现代步枪   运动枪机  供弹机构   结构设计  6566
    Title      Designing of The Feeding Mechanism for the Bolt Moving Along „Hui‟ Character Pattern                            
    The paper gives an overview of the current rifle development, the development trend of
    modern rifles, the concept of „hui‟ character pattern movement bolt and the analyzing
    of its circulation. This mechanism not only can achieve the technical action of the
    Russian assault rifle named AN-94 such as high- frequency burst, variable fire rate and
    the delay of the recoil action, but also this mechanism has more simple structure than
    AN-94.Then the paper analyzed the typical feeding mechanism, taking into account the
    characteristics of the „hui‟ character pattern movement bolt‟ higher feeding frequency
    and lack in the process of bullet pressure, come up with the suitable feeding system.
    The paper gave the dimension calculation for the feeding mechanism and proved the
    timeliness of feeding. Finally, the Engineering Drawing is based on the results of the
    Keywords   Modern Rifle  Moving Bolt  Feeding Mechanism  Structural Design  
    目  录  
    1   绪论..  1
    1.1   设计背景  1
    1.2   国内外步枪发展现状.  1
    1.2.1   国外步枪发展现状..  1
    1.2.2   国内步枪发展现状..  5
    1.3   设计的主要内容  7
    2  “回”字形运动枪机步枪关键技术与原理分析    8
    2.1   关键技术  8
    2.1.1   高频点射技术.  8
    2.1.2   变射频技术..  8
    2.1.3   延迟后坐技术..  10
    2.2  “回”形运动枪机结构原理简述  .  10
    2.2.1  “回”形运动枪机的基本概念  ..  10
    2.2.2  “回”形运动枪机的基本结构原理    11
    2.2.3 “回”形运动枪机的自动循环过程    13
    2.2.4 “回”形运动枪机的作用和特点  .  15
    3  “回”字形运动枪机供弹机构设计    17
    3.1  “回”字形运动枪机供弹机构方案设计  .  17
    3.1.1   方案分析及设计要求..  17
    3.1.2   供弹机构方案设计  19
    3.2  “回”字形运动枪机步枪供弹机构设计  .  20
    3.2.1   弹匣设计.  20
    3.2.2   输弹机构设计..  22
    3.2.3   进弹机构设计..  26
    3.2.4   弹匣装配.  29
    4   供弹及时性计算.  30
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