





    毕业论文关键词  制导火箭弹  锥形运动  制导律  落角  减速  


    Title    Research on Guided Rocket Velocity Control Based  on Conical Motion                             

    Abstract The guided rocket is the research object in this article, according to the design requirements and working characteristics, aiming at the end of the angle and velocity constraint problem, the main work of the paper could be described as follows: 

    First of all, according to the movement characteristics of guided rocket, established a mathematical model of the guided rocket and carried on the stress analysis, completed the simulation program, analyzed the velocity characteristic and the ballistic characteristics of the guided rocket combined with the ballistic scheme.

    Secondly, according to terminal angle constraint, completed the mathematical model of relative movement, deduced the calculation model of the line of sight, designed the guidance law. The simulation results show that the designed guidance law can satisfy the Angle constraints.

    Then, according to velocity constraint, discussed the influence law of conical motion parameters to ballistic, simulation analyses for a variety of conditions, designed a deceleration control scheme. The simulation results show that the control scheme is effective.

    Finally, designed the ideal velocity curve, provided a reference for the control. In consideration of the guidance law and the control scheme, completed the simulation of terminal guidance control scheme, the simulation results show that the designed guidance law can content the constraint conditions.

    Keywords  Guided Rockets  Conical Motion  Guidance Law   Falling Angle  Deceleration

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究进展情况 1

    1.3  主要研究工作 3

    2  制导火箭弹数学模型 5

    2.1  坐标系定义及坐标系转换 5

    2.2  作用在制导火箭弹上的力 9

    2.3  制导火箭弹数学模型 11

    2.4  空中标准气象条件

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