    Vertical gear pump right end cover manufacturing process design, that is our Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation Professional foundational knowledge in process planning design direction. We have finished all the university professional class before start to write this graduation design topics,that is better strategy before we leave school to test the university four years of knowledge we acquired, its also a important opportunity for us to  combine knowledge theory with practice.
    This design mainly studies the use of traditional milling machine and CNC machining process and machining method, design the vertical pump right end cover two types of old and new processing technology . in different process scheme, to choose the right means of machining tool, and cutting parameter. Compare the difference between the traditional processing and modern nc machining, gear pump cover in chapter focus points of traditional processing technology and modern nc machining process. Chapter 1 is the traditional processing way of pump cover; Chapter 2 is the pump cover nc machining process, two kinds of different processing ways collision here, to review from traditional processing to the evolution of the modern nc machining.
    Key words : Traditional milling machine、CNC milling machine、CNC machining、machining process、milling
    摘要    2
    Abstract    3
    前言    4
    1 立式齿轮泵右端盖传统式机加工工艺    5
    1.1端盖零件图    5
    1.2齿轮泵端盖的生产类型的确定及工艺分析    5
    1.3确定毛胚的种类和制造方法并绘制毛胚简图    6
    1.4设计端盖工艺路线    7
    1.5加工余量、工序尺寸和公差的确定    10
    1.6切削用量、时间定额的计算    11
    1.7铣床夹具的选择    17
    1.8夹具分析    18
    1.9夹具操作说明    19
    2 立式齿轮泵右端盖现代数控铣床加工工艺    20
    2.1制定加工方案和加工工艺    20
    2.2机床的选择    20
    2.3选择切削用量    20
    2.4.加工路线    22
    2.5.定位基准的选择和夹紧方案的确定    22
    2.6选择刀具和制定工艺卡片    23
    2.7确定加工路线    25
    3 编制程序与程序模拟    26
    3.1程序编制    26
    3.2编程模拟加工过程    26
    4 结论    31
    后记    32
    附录    33
    (一)程序清单    33
    (二)工、量具清单    36
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