    140t / h Reheating Furnace Design
    Abstract: The design for the 140t / h reheating furnace design. According to the given fuel, heating steel grades and sizes, charge temperature, heating temperature and the ability to design reheating furnace. Design elements include: fuel and combustion calculations; design hearth cooling components;; determining furnace masonry material and determine the size, steel structures; furnace heat balance and determine the amount of fuel to determine the size of the furnace; calculating slab heating ; heat exchanger design, design of piping systems; exhaust system design. The results are different from the actual situation, such as the heating capacity to leave some leeway. Designed to control fuel consumption by appropriate amplification. Design needs to consider the actual situation, some of the parameters and the results can not be exactly right, to leave room for regulation of production and subsequent transformation.
    Keywords: reheating furnace; heat balance; exchanger
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1 绪论    1
    2 热工计算    2
    2.1 热工计算原始数据    2
    2.2 城市煤气干湿成分换算    2
    2.3 计算城市煤气低发热值    3
    2.4 计算理论空气需要量L0    3
    2.5 计算实际空气需要量LN    3
    2.6 计算燃烧产物成分及生成量    4
    2.7 计算煤气燃烧产物重度    5
    2.8 计算燃料理论燃烧温度    5
    3 炉膛热交换计算    8
    3.1 预确定炉膛主要尺寸    8
    3.2 计算炉膛相关尺寸    8
    3.3 计算各段平均有效射线行程    9
    3.4 计算炉气中二氧化碳和水汽分压    10
    3.5 计算各段炉气温度    10
    3.6 计算各段炉气黑度    10
    3.7 计算各段炉墙和炉顶对金属的角度系数    13
    3.8 计算各段导来辐射系数    13
    4 金属加热计算    15
    4.1 均热段    15
    4.2 加热段    16
    4.3 燃料利用系数及钢坯热焓分配    17
    4.4 预热段热流及加热时间    18
    4.5 加热段内热流及加热时间    20
    5 炉子主要尺寸确定    23
    5.1 长度计算    23
    5.2 炉门数量和尺寸及炉膛各部分用耐火材料的确定    24
    6 炉膛热平衡与燃料消耗量计算    26
    6.1 炉膛热收入Q入    26
    6.2 炉膛热支出Q出    27
    6.3 炉膛热平衡式与燃料消耗量    35
    6.4 炉膛热平衡表    36
    6.5 炉子工作指标    37
    7 煤气烧嘴的选用    39
    7.1 选择依据    39
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