    毕业论文关键词: 751自由度,工业机器人,控制系统
    The design of small six-degrees of freedom joint robot
    Abstract: Robots is a new technology developed in the 50 's of last century, and it is a collection of mechanical, electrical, control and integration of multiple disciplines such as computer technology, and it also is the highest level of industrial automation technology. It marks the development level of a country or a region's industrial automation level.
    Six degrees of freedom joint robot is a common industrial robots, robot is the most widely used, it has six joints, namely along the Cartesian coordinates x, y, z three axes of movement freedom and rotational degrees of freedom of the 6 degrees of freedom. You can reach any point. This article is referencing existing industrial robot technology from abroad as the basis of six-DOF robot joint design of mechanical structure, and joint strength has reached the set requirements. in addition, also elaboration of systems for robot control system.
    Key words:Six degrees of freedom, industrial robotics, control systems
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1本课题的意义与目的    1
    1.2工业机器人国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1工业机器人发展历程    1
    1.2.2国外研究综述    2
    1.2.3我国机器人研究现状    3
    1.3工业机器人的发展趋势    4
    2.751自由度关节型机器人解决方案    5
    2.1  机器人工作要求    5
    2.2  机器人控制方案对比分析    5
    2.3  机器人驱动方案对比分析    6
    2.4  机器人各关节结构方案的对比分析    8
    2.4.1 腰部回转关节    9
    2.4.2  大臂和小臂回转关节    9
    2.4.3腕部活动关节    11
    3.  机器人结构设计    12
    3.1手爪回转关节设计    12
    3.1.1伺服电机和谐波减速器的选择    12
    3.1.2手爪回转关节结构    13
    3.2腕部俯仰关节的设计    14
    3.2.1 伺服电机和谐波减速器的选择    14
    3.2.2同步齿型带传动设计    15
    3.2.3腕部俯仰关节结构    16
    3.2.4轴承的寿命校核    17
    3.3腕部回转关节设计    19
    3.3.1伺服电机和谐波减速器的选择    19
    3.3.2腕部回转关节结构    20
    3.4小臂回转关节设计    20
    3.4.1 伺服电机和谐波减速器的选择    20
    3.4.2同步齿型带传动设计    22
    3.4.3小臂回转关节结构    22
    3.5大臂回转关节设计    24
    3.5.1 伺服电机和谐波减速器的选择    24
    3.5.2大臂齿轮设计    24
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