

    毕业论文关键词  饮水机  上水  机构  辅助  设计


    Title  Three-dimensional structure design of auxiliary 

    water bucket changes mechanism about barreled   

    water dispensers


    On the basis analysis of the common barreled water dispensers in daily life and the problems about changing the water bucket,also refer to a large amount of material about dispensers,the general structure of the design scheme of the water bucket changes mechanism is formulated.Worm reducer is used as power source,avoided physical consumption of people,while the device also has self-locking function;Through the spur gear transmission,power is transmitted to the twisted wheel,rotateing winding wire rope and pulling water bucket rack up and down;Flip axis is designed on the proper position at the bucket rack,theoretically solve the technical problems about flipping the bucket and the basic function of the mechanism was finished by these design.Designed with simple clamping scheme,while the function of raising,flipping and declining the bucket realized.Finally,Solidworks software is used for the design of auxiliary water bucket changes mechanism,then checked the strength of important parts. 

    Keywords  Dispenser  Water changes  Mechanism  Auxiliary  Design

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景简介1

    1.2  饮水机发展状况简介1

    1.3  一些辅助机构的发展状况简介2

    1.4  小结4

    2  工作原理设计 5

    2.1  设计方案1 5

    2.1.1  工作原理5

    2.1.2  方案分析5

    2.2  设计方案2 6

    2.2.1  工作原理6

    2.2.2  方案分析7

    2.3  小结7

    3  机架的功能分析与结构确定8

    3.1  功能分析8

    3.2  结构确定8

    4  饮水桶夹的结构设计10

    4.1  功能分析10

    4.2  结构设计11

    5  传动机构的设计15

    5.1  传动方案的拟定15

    5.2  电动机的选择15

    5.2.1  选择电动机的类型15

    5.2.2  选择电动机的容量15

    5.2.3  选择电动机的转速16

    5.3  传动装置的运动与动力参数的选择和计算18

    5.4  传动零件的设计计算18

    5.4.1  齿轮传动设计计算18

    5.4.2  绞轮的设计计算23 

    5.4.3  吊滑轮的选择 24

    5.4.4  桶架轴座的设计26

    5.4.5  轴承座的设计27

    5.4.6  导轨的设计28

    5.5  轴的设计计算 29

    5.5.1  求作用在轴上的力29

    5.5.2  初估轴的直径29

    5.5.3  轴的结构设计 30

    5.6  键连接的选择和计算32

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