    The on-line measuring system of the traditional cylindrical grinder is not efficient, the external diameter of the cylindrical grinder is mostly dependent on human detection, and the detection efficiency is low. In order to solve this problem, the on-line detection system of the circular diameter of the outer ring grinder is introduced. And system matching the outer diameter measuring sensor positioning to through external circular grinding machine directly efficient, direct measurement, the realization of bearing rings in the process to complete the test. By PLC, touch screen, sensor and controller to form effective measurement, statistical analysis and result display complete online detection system of the diameter of a circle.
    The system uses the initiative measuring instrument for measuring the diameter of the outer ring, which has the characteristics of accurate measurement, convenient connection with the numerical control machine tool. To easily determine the diameter of the bearing rings, in sensor measuring arranged on parallel slide bar, bearing ring caught in the middle, outer diameter. Through the PLC control system control servo motor, and then control the feed of the cylindrical grinder, the closed-loop machining system with feedback is obtained, with the characteristics of high efficiency and high accuracy.
    Keywords: ring, online measurement, PLC system, cylindrical grinder, sensor
    目  录
    摘要    Ⅰ
    Abstract    Ⅱ
    一、绪论    1
    1.1课题目的、背景和意义    1
    1.1.1课题目的    1
    1.1.2课题背景    2
    1.2国内外研究现状    3
    1.2.1国外研究现状    4
    1.2.2国内研究发展现状    4
    1.2.3在线测量系统发展趋势    5
    1.3本章小结    6
    二、整体方案设计    7
    2.1系统功能要求分析    7
    2.2在线检测关键技术分析    7
    2.2.1技术难点分析    7
    2.2.2难点的解决    7
    2.3方案介绍和分析选择    8
    2.3.1方案一    8
    2.3.2方案二    9
    2.3.3方案分析选择    10
    2.4总体方案介绍    10
    2.4.1系统机构设计要求    10
    2.4.2硬件总体方案概述    11
    2.5本章小结    11
    三、机械系统结构设计    13
    3.1机械系统设计方案    13
    3.1.1系统设计原则    13
    3.1.2设计方案及测量过程介绍    13
    3.2机构结构设计    14
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