    Design of Indoor mobile robot autonomous navigation method
    With the progress of science and technology, robot has gradually go into our life.Among them, especially the small family service robot will be the focus of future research.And application in the production of industrial robots, indoor autonomous mobile robot is mainly used in households,hospitals and other small, complex working environment, therefore it is necessary for indoor positioning and obstacle avoidance method for mobile robot are studied, and the study also will be an important direction of mobile robot in future research.The positioning of the indoor environment and obstacle avoidance is an integral part of the mobile robot, to study and solve the problem is the guarantee of success for the project.
    Because of small used in indoor, environment determines the realization of robot localization and the complexities and difficulties of the obstacle avoidance, so this article research has profound scientific significance.
    This paper introduced the system for indoor autonomous mobile robot research and analysis, the main research focus on positioning and obstacle avoidance method.The design of the main contents include: beacon positioning design, infrared obstacle avoidance method.
    Key words: Beacon positioning design;Infrared obstacle avoidance method.
    目 录
    一丶绪论    1
    1.1 室内移动机器人的相关介绍    1
    1.1.1 室内移动机器人的定义    1
    1.1.2 室内移动机器人的研究背景    1
    1.1.3 室内移动机器人工作环境    1
    1.1.4 室内移动机器人的基本特征    1
    1.2 研究本课题的目的及意义    2
    1.3 移动式服务机器人发展现状概述    2
    1.4 室内机器人定位技术    5
    1.4.1 机器人定位技术    6
    1.4.2 基于红外路标的机器人定位技术    7
    1.5 人工路标的研究现状    8
    1.5.1 可视自然路标    9
    1.5.2 可视人工路标    9
    1.5.3 被动式红外人工路标的研究意义    12
    1.6 本章小结    12
    二丶移动式服务机器人室内导航单元的设计方案    13
    2.1 基于主动式红外路标定位方法设计方案    13
    2.2 基于红外测距传感器避障方法设计方案    15
    三丶主动式红外路标的设计    17
    3.1 主动式红外路标定位原理概述    17
    3.2 红外发光源的选择(940nm)    18
    3.2.1 红外LED的工作原理    19
    3.2.2 红外发光源的实验    20
    3.3 主动式红外路标的设计    21
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