    毕业论文关键词  火箭武器  发展趋势  大口径  
    Title    The Design of 220mm60km-Rocket Projectile                     
    During World warⅡ, rocket weapons played a great power and sped up the process of the war, which left indelible impression. therefore, all the countries of the world started to develop and improve  rocket weapons. However, due to the limitation of the theory and technology, the rocket weapon is of short range,
    Small power, low hit rate and it is not convenient to use. With the development of science and technology, many technical problems of rocket weapons have been solved, which makes the performance indexes of rocket weapons could be greatly improved. Now, long-range, accurate, powerful, multipurpose rocket weapons has become the main development trend. In order to improve the range and increase power, we must increase the quantity of explosive in warhead and the charge of propellant in rocket engine, so do the projectile caliber. This article which is aimed at the development trend , designs a rocket projectile with large caliber to achieve the main target of improving the range.
    Keywords  rocket weapon   development trend   large caliber  
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    2  220毫米火箭弹总体设计方案  7
    2.1  设计要求  7
    2.2  设计方案  7
    2.3  设计步骤  8
    3  火箭弹装药设计与基本参量预定  9
    3.1  装药设计  9
    3.2  内弹道计算  13
    3.3  基本参量的预定  14
    4   固体火箭发动机结构设计  18
    4.1  燃烧室设计  18
    4.2  喷管设计  22
    5   战斗部与稳定装置设计  25
    5.1  战斗部设计  25
    5.2  稳定装置设计  27
    6   火箭外弹道计算  29
    6.1  外弹道主动段  29
    6.2  外弹道被动段  31
    结论  34
    致谢  35
    附录A  二文零件及装配图  37
    附录B  三文装配图  45
    1  绪论
    1.1  火箭武器性能特点及运用
    1.1.1  火箭武器的性能特点
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