    Wind energy takes a large proportion in nature and has no pollution. A variety of commonly used in today's energy will be exhausted, and the environment worsening situation, both from the economic or technical point of view of wind energy is a preferred alternative energy. This design is a small horizontal axis wind turbine, control system with simple and cheap devices, very much in line with the social status of sustainable development.
    In this paper, the design of the scheme is mainly in pneumatic device and the electrical part of the design, for the horizontal axis wind turbine has the advantages of simple structure of certain design effectively ensure the work, and simple electrical part design can better ensure the system to run smoothly, and in order to ensure the wind turbine in wind implement braking, simple braking device design. In the electrical system, the battery device is added, which can not only solve the load power supply when the wind is not enough, but also can store some power as energy storage device.
    This paper focuses on the pneumatic device part and the electrical part of the design is simple, and also considering the shortcomings of horizontal axis wind turbine in actual use, and put forward relevant solutions, making the small wind turbine design is more simple and practical.
    Key word : Pneumatic device, Horizontal axis wind turbine, Brake device 
    摘要    I
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 风力发电发展现状    1
    1.2 风力发电的原理和风能特点    2
    第二章    风力机原理及其气动装置设计    3
    2.1 风力机的主要原理    3
    2.2 风力机的主要部件    6
    2.2.1 风轮    6
    2.2.2 风轮主轴    9
    2.2.3 调速装置    10
    2.2.4 调向装置    11
    2.2.5 刹车装置    12
    2.2.6 回转体    12
    2.2.7 塔架与基础    13
    2.3 风力机的选址    13
    第三章 部分电路设计    16
    3.1 电气部分概述    16
    3.2 发电机    19
    3.3 整流部分    20
    3.3.1 电路图和工作原理    21
    3.4 蓄电池    22
    3.4.1 蓄电池的性能    22
    3.4.2 充放电保护电路    23
    3.4.3 蓄电池控制电路    23
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