    关键词  弹药辅助设计  建模  特征参数  破片场计算
    Title      Design software for explosive  warhead aided design                 
    In this paper, the overall thinking, frame structure and programming of the assistant design software of the explosive warhead are established. The software includes ammunition modeling, parameter calculation and characteristic fragment field calculation.
    In the modeling of ammunition, the whole ammunition is pided into many regular basic bodies. The integrated projectile is obtained through the combination of the basic body, and the process of modeling is realized. After the completion of the modeling, the parameters of the basic body of the projectile are calculated, then the characteristic parameters of the projectile are calculated based on the positions of the regular basic bodies. In the fragment field calculation model, the projectile is micro processing. Then calculate mass, initial velocity and scattering angle of each unit. Using the method of piding the quality and scattering angle sections, the distribution of fragment data table can be got before analyzing the proportion that each element of the overall contribute to the whole projectile.
    The design software of the explosive warhead aided design software is an effective and convenient design tool for the ammunition designers, which greatly improves the design efficiency.
    Keywords  Fragmentation Metal casing  Explosive charge  
    目   次
    1绪论    1
    1.1弹药辅助设计概述    1
    1.2  国内外发展状况    1
    1.3  弹药辅助设计的发展趋势    2
    2  弹药建模模块    4
    2.1  弹药建模思路    4
    2.2  弹药建模功能    4
    2.3  基本体坐标系下特征参数计算    4
    2.4  弹药坐标系参数计算    17
    2.5  弹药总体质量及质心计算    19
    2.6  弹药总体转动惯量计算    19
    2.7  本章小结    20
    3  破片场参数计算模型    21
    3.1  破片场概述    21
    3.2  破片式战斗部静爆破片场参数计算模型    21
    3.3  破片式战斗部破片场计算实现    24
    3.4  本章小结    26
    4  杀伤爆破弹战斗部辅助软件    27
    4.1  软件功能介绍    27
    4.2  软件结构框图    27
    4.3  某弹的建模    28
    4.4  某弹的特征参数计算    31
    4.5  某弹的破片场计算    31
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