    Design of Acrylic Resin Polymerization Reactor
    Abstract: Stirred tank reactor is a typical stirred reactor equipment,which is widely used in petroleum,chemical,rubber,pesticides,dyes,pharmaceuticals,food and other industries. Reactor is made up of stirring containers,stirring equipment,gearing,shaft sealing device and supports,manholes,process pipe and other attachments. According to the process parameters and the use of conditions, after select and compared, Q345R is determined as the main material of the reactor. This article design and calculate of the structure size of the cylinder and jacket, and other major parts. And check the strength and stability of the reactor, completed the driving mechanism of the reaction vessel, determine the size of the stirring shaft, matching the motor and V-belt reducer and other various attachments; Select mechanical seal type shaft seal device according to the working conditions. Finally, complete the selection of takeovers, pipe flanges, endoscopies, bearings and other subsidiary structure of the reactor.
    KeyWords:Stirred Reactor;Design;Calculate;Pressure Vessel
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题研究的意义    1
    1.1.1 发展聚合釜的意义    1
    1.2国内外聚合釜的研究进展与主要成果    1
    1.2.1 国内外聚合釜的研究进展    1
    1.2.2聚合釜的密封技术发展    2
    1.2.3 聚合釜搅拌装置的发展    4
    1.2.4 防粘釜的技术发展    5
    1.2.5 新聚合釜的研究进展    6
    1.3课题研究的内容    7
    2聚合釜结构设计    8
    2.1 罐体和夹套的结构设计    8
    2.2  设计参数及要求    8
    2.3 罐体几何尺寸计算    9
    2.3.1 确定筒体内径    9
    2.3.2 确定封头尺寸    10
    2.3.3 确定筒体高度H1    10
    2.4 材料选择    11
    2.5 聚合釜筒体的厚度设计    12
    2.5.1 筒体壁厚的确定    12
    2.5.2 筒体椭圆封头壁厚的确定    14
    2.6夹套结构设计    15
    2.6.1 夹套的几何尺寸    15
    2.6.2 夹套的壁厚确定    16
    2.6.3 夹套椭圆封头厚度    16
    2.7 水压试验校核    17
    3聚合釜的搅拌装置    19
    3.1 聚合釜搅拌器的选择    19
    3. 2 挡板    20
    3.3  搅拌轴    21
    4聚合釜的传动装置    23
    4.1 常用电动机及其连接尺寸    23
    4.2 减速机的选型    23
    4.3 选用减速机    24
    4.3.1  确定V带截型    24
    4.3.3  确定中心距,带的基准长度    25
    4.3.4  确定V带根数    25
    4.3 凸缘法兰    25
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