    Abstract In today's life, progress of science and technology date crecent moon profit under, the biggest difference between arm robot arm with human is flexibility and endurance. Is also the maximum advantage of the robot can repeat the same action in the normal circumstances of the machinery will never feel tired! The application of mechanical arm will also be more and more extensive, the manipulator is a kind of high-tech automatic production equipment which has developed in recent decades, the accuracy of the operation and the ability to finish the work in the environment. An important branch of the industrial robot manipulator. Types, driven by hydraulic, pneumatic, electric, mechanical. The feature is that it can be programmed to accomplish all kinds of expected operations, and the structure and performance of both the advantages of both man and machine mobile phone.
    This topic is designed to assemble pneumatic manipulator for school teaching experiment. Including the design of manipulator arm, column design, gripper, rotate or swing grasping experiments. Design objectives for four degrees of freedom mechanical hand, which comprises a machine body rotation, pitching arm, telescopic arm, gripper rotation. Through pneumatic cylinder to achieve the lifting and stretching of the arm, the rotary pneumatic cylinder to achieve the wrist and arm of the revolution. Simple structure, easy for students to use the operation, the program control in the PLC to complete the specified action, giving students an intuitive teaching, so that students can more memory.
    Keywords: pneumatic, manipulator, four degree of freedom, PLC
    目       录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  机械手概述    1
    1.2  机械手的组成和分类    2
    1.2.1  机械手的组成    2
    1.2.2  机械手的分类    5
    1.3  国内外发展状况    8
    1.4课题研究的主要内容    10
    1.5教学用机械手的功能要求及现实意义    10
    1.5.1 教学用机械手的功能要求    10
    1.5.2 教学用机械手的现实意义    10
    2  机械手的设计方案    11
    2.1  机械手的座标型式与自由度    11
    2.1.1 机械手的坐标型式    11 直角坐标型    12 圆柱坐标型    12 球坐标型    12 关节型    13
    2.1.2 机械手的自由度    13
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