        本文对声探测实验系统硬件部分进行了完整的设计,包括元器件的选择、系统各部分电路的设计和硬件调试,可以实现对5路声信号采集,并转换为数字信号传输至主机。硬件部分采用EZ-USB FX2LP为控制核心,主机和实验系统之间通过USB2.0数据总线进行通信。采用ADS8555可以实现最高6通道16位同步声信号数据采集,并行采集使定位精度较串行采集大大提高。EZ-USB FX2LP工作在GPIF模式,使得将采集到的数据传输至主机时完全不需要8051内核的干预,且硬件结构更为简单,数据传输速率大大提高。本文最后阐述了硬件各部分上电调试的步骤。
    关键词  被动声探测  数据采集  硬件设计  EZ-USB FX2LP
    Title   Circuit and Structure Design of Acoustic Detection  Experimental System                                     
    With modern military technology toward stealth and covert direction, the most widely used radar positioning technology is highlighting its shortcomings; and passive acoustic detection and location technology because of its use of sonar, no emission energy, positioning speed, high precision, small and easy to move, as a complement to radar positioning technology, is receiving more and more attention in the military. In civilian areas, passive acoustic detection and location technology is playing an increasing role.
    In this paper, a complete hardware design of acoustic detection system is introduced, including the selection of components, each part of the circuit of the system design and hardware debugging, you can achieve the 5-way acoustic signal acquisition, and converted to a digital signal transmission to the host. EZ-USB FX2LP acts as the control center of the hardware part, the host and the experimental systems communicate via USB2.0 data bus. ADS8555 can use up to 6-channel 16-bit sync acquisition signal data, parallel acquisition positioning accuracy than the serial acquisition greatly. EZ-USB FX2LP works in GPIF mode, so that the collected data pass to the host completely without the intervention of 8051, and the hardware structure is simpler, which greatly improved data transfer rates. This paper describes the hardware electrical commissioning of each part in the final step.
    Keywords  Passive Acoustic Detection  Data Collection  Hardware Design  EZ-USB FX2LP
    目  次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  技术背景及意义    1
    1.3  国内外研究现状    1
    2  声探测实验系统总体设计    3
    3    声探测实验系统硬件设计    4
    3.1  主控芯片    4
    3.2  电源模块    13
    3.3    声传感器    16
    3.4  运算放大器    18
    3.5  AD转换器    19
    3.6 印刷电路板设计    22
    4  声探测实验系统硬件电路调试    24
    4.1  声传感器调试    24
    4.2  电源模块调试    24
    4.3  运算放大器调试    24
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