    关键词  前向增强杀伤榴弹  弹丸设计  破片   杀伤威力
    Title  Overall design of The 105mm Axial Forward Projection and study on fragmentation characteristics                            
    The 105mm Axial Forward Projection were designed in this paper.Many relevant parameters were caculated,which included the characteristic parameter,the launching strength,the flight stability of this projection and the scattering angel,the initial velocity of fragments and the lethality of both preformed and fireformed fragments to man-shaped silhouette.The mass of the projection and the charge are 18.495kg and 1.924kg.The polar moment of inertia and equatorial moment of inertia of projection are 28854.430kg•mm2 and 266170.135kg•mm2.The result of calculation esured the security of the charge during emxission ,the stability of the projection during flight and all parts of projection meet the flight stability requirements.Interaction of preformed and fireformed fragments enhanced the lethality of projection.
    Keywords  Axial Forward Projection  The projection design  Fragments  Damage Assessment
    目   录
    1 概述    1
    1.1 课题背景及研究意义    1
    1.2 前向增强型榴弹发展历史及现状    1
    1.3 本文主要工作    3
    2  弹丸总体设计    4
    2.1 前向增强杀伤榴弹的原理    4
    2.2 前向增强杀伤榴弹的结构    4
    2.3 弹丸的零部件作用    4
    2.3.1 弹丸的风帽    5
    2.3.2 连接螺    5
    2.3.3 破片    6
    2.3.4 弹体    6
    2.3.5 装药    7
    2.3.6 弹带    7
    2.3.7 引信    8
    2.4 弹丸特征参数    9
    2.5 本章小结    10
    3 弹丸发射过程强度校核    11
    3.1 弹丸发射时所受的载荷    11
    3.1.1 火药气体压力    11
    3.1.2 惯性力    12
    3.1.3 装填物对弹壳的压力及发射过程所受应力    15
    3.1.4 弹带压力    17
    3.2 发射时弹体强度计算    18
    3.3 弹带的强度计算    21
    3.3.1 计算弹带压力    21
    3.3.2 计算残余变形    22
    3.4 炸药发射安全性计算    22
    3.5 强度计算结论    23
    4 飞行稳定性    24
    4.1 急螺稳定性计算    24
    4.1.1 用缠度计算急螺稳定性    25
    4.1.2 用陀螺稳定因子计算    26
    4.2 弹丸的追随稳定性    26
    4.2.1 弹丸弹形系数的计算    27
    4.2.2 追随稳定性的计算    28
    4.3 本章小结    28
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