    关键词 推力矢量  转弯控制  优化  STM32
    Title  Design and simulation of a missile booster thrust
    vector control loop                              
    This paper is on the design of thrust vector control with the spoiler system for vertical launching .Based on the spoiler, missile  model with six degrees of freedom was designed using Simulink computational method,and Mathematical model of longitudinal disturbance in the loop for turning control was derived and conducted with frequency domain analysis. To get the feasible vertical launch turning law, a optimization algorithm which combines PSO with GA was employed to seek.
    Then, a hardware control panel using the stm32 mcu was to realize some functions, such as wireless command signal transmission, user interface, digital to analog conversion and so on. To ensure the real-time performance, the software development environment on this chip board is based on μC/OS-II operating system and μC/GUI  graphics system. The control panel receives the command signals of turning angle of the spoiler, and pass the current signal of 4-20mA to drive a proportional solenoid valve through a amplifier. The opening degree of Proportional solenoid valve cause The motion of spoiler which produces aerodynamic for turn control.
    Keywords  vertical launch  turning control  optimization algorithm  STM32
    目  次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1 垂直发射    1
    1.2 推力矢量    3
    1.3 垂直发射转弯控制    4
    1.4 本课题研究方向    5
    2    垂直发射模型    6
    2.1 扰流片    6
    2.2 导弹751自由度数学模型    7
    2.3 导弹纵向短周期扰动模型    11
    2.4 导弹751自由度SIMULINK建模    14
    2.5 垂直发射控制回路    17
    2.6 本章小结    18
    3    垂直发射转弯优化设计    19
    3.1 算法    19
    3.2 优化问题    23
    3.3 MATLAB优化寻解    25
    3.4 本章小结    28
    4    控制板硬件设计与制作    29
    4.1 整体设计思路    29
    4.2 硬件器件的选择    29
    4.3 硬件设计框图    32
    4.4 硬件模块化原理图设计    32
    4.5 硬件PCB制作    36
    4.6 本章小结    38
    5    控制板软件设计    39
    5.1 设计思路    39
    5.2 软件设计环境    39
    5.3 软件模块化设计    40
    5.4 本章小结    43
    6    控制台程序设计    45
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