    关键词  LabVIEW  数据采集  DA控制  串口通讯
    Title   Research on the control system of the half physical simulation platform of the dual rotating projectile                             
    In order to measure the parameters of the two rotating projectiles during flight, in this paper, a mechanical and electrical system for the speed and torque control of the dual rotating projectile based on virtual instrument is built. This system is used to simulate the projectile flight process. The system includes moment simulation and speed simulation. DA control of the torque motor torque and the speed of the high speed motor are carried out by writing the program of the upper computer program based on LabVIEW. At the same time, the speed of the high-speed motor is acquired by the computer program and displayed and saved in real time. In addition, a serial communication program based on LabVIEW is written, which is read and transmitted in short distance data, and the wireless data acquisition test was carried out.
    Keywords  LabVIEW  data acquisition  DA control  serial communication
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  研究现状    1
    1.3  课题任务和要求    2
    2  系统总体设计    3
    2.1  功能需求分析    3
    2.2  硬件构成    3
    2.3  虚拟仪器    6
    2.4  程序开发流程    7
    2.5  本章小结    7
    3  转速及力矩模拟系统设计    8
    3.1  数据采集模块设计    8
    3.2  DA控制模块设计    12
    3.3  本章小结    14
    4  无线采集系统设计    16
    4.1  VISA简介    16
    4.2  串口通讯基本流程    16
    4.3  VISA函数    16
    4.4  串口通信程序设计    17
    4.5  本章小结    19
    5  试验与调试    20
    5.1  数据采集系统试验    20
    5.2  DA控制系统试验    22
    5.3  串口通讯系统试验    24
    5.4  本章小结    25
    结  论    26
    致  谢    27
    1  绪论
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