    关键词  引信 进气道 内流场 计算流体  
    Title   Air intake design of the micro-ring structure oscillating piezoelectric generator  for the fuze                 
    The air piezoelectric generator for the fuze is a new type of on-bord power with the principle of the airflow induced vibration.It is Formed by the air acoustic excitation mechanism and piezoelectric transducer generator.The generator has many characteristics ,such as  simple structure, long-term continuous power supply and high power transducer, wide range, high reliability and high and low temperature resistance. The properties of the flow field in the inlet determines the generation efficiency, while the structural parameters of the inlet are closely related to the inner flow field.Therefore, in this paper the structure of the inlet is designed based on the analysis of Hartmann tube.
    Firstly,the computational fluid dynamics method is briefly described, the turbulence and transition models are discussed,and the control equation is determined; according to my mastery ,this paper designs the intake structure, detail drawings and assembly drawings, calculation of dimension chain; finally carries on the simulation, analysis of the influence of structure parameters on the flow field in the inlet.
    Keywords  Fuze ,Air intake tube Tnternal,Internal flow field,Computational Fluid
    目   次
    摘 要 Ⅰ
    Abstract     Ⅰ
    1  绪论 1
       1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1
       1.2引信气流压电发电机工作原理 2
       1.3 计算流体力学发展与应用 2
            1.3.1计算流体力学发展历程 3
            1.3.2计算流体力学应用领域 3
            1.3.3 计算流体力学展望 4
       1.4转捩模式简介  4
       1.5本文研究主要内容 5
    2 进气道管内流数值模拟湍流模型选择与确定 6
       2.1计算流体动力学简介 6
       2.2流体动力学的控制方程 7
           2.2.1质量守恒方程 8
           2.2.2动量守恒方程 9
           2.2.3 能量守恒方程 9
           2.2.4 粘性不可压缩流体运动压力状态方程 9
       2.3粘性不可压缩气流湍流模型 10
           2.3.2一方程模型 11
           2.3.3 两方程模型  13
       2.4进气道的改进湍流模型——转捩湍流模型 14
    3 引信微环音振荡压电发电机激励结构设计 15
       3.1 气流致声的激励结构设计 16
       3.2  激励结构和压电能量收集检测装置 21
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