

    毕业论文关键词  冲压增程弹丸  进气道  阻力 总压恢复 结构


    Title   The aerodynamic and structural design of SFRJ projectile     


    The drags characteristic of the SFRJ projectile was studied in this article, and also the structure design also was studied combined with the data of the inlet characteristics and the engine thrust. Firstly, according to the working principle of the SFRJ projectile, the overall structure of the SFRJ projectile was analyzed. Secondly, the factors affecting the projectile drag was analyzed. A detailed numerical simulation analysis was carried out on the effecting of the drag characteristics of the projectile, from three factors of the different inlet capture area and the different free stream mach number and the different compression form of inlet. Inside and outside drag coefficient of passive flight projectile and other related parameters was extracted from the numerical simulation results, and these parameters were analyzed in detail, then the characteristics has been obtained from the effect of various factors on the projectile drag characteristics. Thirdly, the numerical simulation of projectile was carried out in different cone inlet forms and at different Mach number,and the corresponding maximum total pressure recovery and mass flow ratio were obtained by the form of controlling the back pressure. Next, ramjet thrust was calculated by above data. Finally, whole and each part of the engine structure design and make a strength check.

    Keyword  SFRJ   inlet resistance   total pressure recovery   structure

     目 次

    绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1 冲压增程弹丸技术研究进展 2

    1.2.2 关键技术 5

    1.3 本文主要研究内容及章节安排 6

    冲压增程弹丸气动设计 7

    2.1引言 7

    2.2 CFD简介 8

    2.3 数学模型 9

    2.4 模型简化与边界条件 12

    2.4.1 模型简化 12

    2.4.2 边界条件 13

    2.5 弹丸气动设计 14


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