    关键词  RV减速器设计 行星传动 摆线针轮传动
    Title        The Princle and Design of RV Type Reducer  
    Abstract  RV Drive is a new type of drive, which use the combination of a planetary involute gear transmission and cycloid cam transmission.It not only overcomes the shortcomings of the general cycloid cam drive, but also has many advantages such as small size, light weight, transmission ratio range, long life, stable precision, high engagement efficiency, stable transmission and other advantages widely used in industrial robots,machine tools, medical testing equipment, satellite receiving systems, and other fields.
    This paper analyzes the structure and working principle of RV reducer, include the cycloid drive and cycloid cam transmission and design theory and methods of the RV reducer. Then using the design parameters required to calculate the size of the major components, and using three-dimensional graphics software SolidWorks to draw three-dimensional modeling, and the the assembly of RV reducer. Finally, using the finite element analysis software analyze the main parts of RV reducer.
    Keywords  RV type reducer  Planetary drive  cycloidal cam type transmission
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  RV减速器的结构特点    1
    1.3  国内外的研究现状    2
    2  RV减速器的结构和传动理论    3
    2.1    渐开线圆柱齿轮行星轮系原理    3
    2.2    摆线针轮行星传动原理    3
    2.3    RV减速器传动原理    5
    3    RV减速器的基本零件设计和计算    7
    3.1    渐开线圆柱齿轮行星传动的设计计算    7
    3.1.1  按齿面接触疲劳强度计算    7
    3.1.2  按齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算    9
    3.1.3 几何尺寸计算    10
    3.2    摆线针轮行星传动的设计计算    11
    3.3    转臂轴的尺寸设计    14
    4    RV减速器的SolidWorks三文实体造型    15
    4.1    摆线轮    15
    4.2    太阳轮及行星轮    16
    4.3    其他零件    18
    4.4    RV减速器的装配图及主要零件的装配关系    20
    4.1.1 太阳轮轴和两个行星轮    21
    4.1.2 转臂轴    22
    4.1.3 摆线轮    22
    4.1.4 输出盘和行星架    22
    4.1.5 针轮    22
    4.1.6 前后端盖和前后盖    22
    4.1.7 主要技术指标分析    22
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