    关键词  残疾人车车轮清洗装置  三文建模  新型机械  强度校核  有限元分析
    Title  the development of automatic cleaning device for wheelchair wheels
    According to the data initially calculated of the 2nd national disabled persons sampling survey, the proportion of the disabled in the general population reached 6.34%. Thus it can be seen the disabled has become a significant group of society. The wheelchair is an important tool for many disabled people’s traveling. In 2013,over 3 million wheelchairs were produced in home. Despite the lack of an accurate statistic of the quantity of the wheelchairs that are been using, the number is supposed to be enormous.
    While the number of wheelchairs is extraordinarily huge, the accessory equipment for them is rarely designed and produced. For example, when a wheelchair is used outdoor,the wheels of it will inevitably be stained with the dust and dirt on the road, and then mess up the floor when gets home. This project is to design a cleaning device for the wheelchairs. It can be installed at the door to automatically clean the wheels when a wheelchair enters the room.
    The main contents of the research of this project consist of the functional design, configuration design, strength check and finite element analysis of the wheel-cleaning device. Basic parameters of the device are obtained by actual measurement and theoretical calculation. 3D modeling,assembling and finite element analysis of the wheel-cleaning device are finished via SolidWorks. Force analysis and strength check of key components of the device are obtained with the knowledge learned in mechanical (machine) design.
    Key words:  wheel-cleaning device    3D modeling    new type of machine       strength check    finite element analysis
    目   次
    1  绪论    2
    1.1  课题的研究背景和意义    2
    1.2  残疾人车车轮清洗装置的发展现状和总结评价    3
    1.3  课题的主要研究内容    4
    2  残疾人车车轮清洗装置的功能设计和原理分析    5
    2.1  新型机械的基本设计方法    5
    2.2  设计任务    7
    2.3  功能设计和原理分析    8
    2.4  本章小结    8
    3  车轮清洗装置的总体结构设计和基本参数的确定    10
    3.1  残疾人车车轮清洗装置外观框架的设计    10
    3.2  残疾人车车轮清洗装置传动系统的分析和设计    13
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