    关键词  机器人  总体方案  全向移动机构  
    Title    Omni-directional mobile home service robot —— 
     Design and motion control of Omni-directional mobile mechanism                                               
    In this paper, the overall design is set out for the omnidirectional home mobile service robot. For the part of omni-directional mobile mechanism, machinery and circuits of motion control are analyzed carefully. The captioned robot is consisted of image and distance recognition parts, motor control part, mechanical arm and omni-directional mobile mechanism. Then relatively mechanism is designed. Omni-directional mobile mechanism designed in this paper can control motor to achieve the purpose of omni-directional mobile by translating motor rotation and speed signal upper computer transmits into PWM signal. Hardware circuit is designed basing on STC15F2K60S2 microcontroller to translate the signal receiving form upper computer to control the motor. The program is designed to generate control signals of the motor. The control of a single gear train is completed and Omni-directional mobile control scheme is proposed. Eventually, the simulation and the debugging for program and the debugging for hard circuit and machinery are completed to insure gear train working properly and the mobile task of omni-directional mobile mechanism succeed.
    Keywords  robot  overall plan  omni-directional mobile mechanism
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1  前言    1
    1.2  研究背景    1
    1.3  国内外研究现状    2
    1.4  本研究的目的    5
    2  家庭服务机器人及全向移动机构的总体设计    6
    2.1  家庭服务机器人的总体设计    6
    2.2  全向移动机构的总体设计    8
    3  全向移动机构机械设计    11
    3.1  驱动电机、转向电机选型    11
    3.2  传动齿轮设计    15
    3.3  矩形花键轴设计    18
    3.4  U型板结构设计与仿真分析    24
    3.5  套筒结构设计    28
    3.6  安装底板结构设计    29
    3.7  全向移动机构机械安装及定位    31
    4  全向移动机构硬件电路设计    35
    4.1  硬件电路设计要求    35
    4.2  硬件电路所需原件选型    35
    4.3  硬件电路设计    38
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