    关键词:塑料模具;注射成型;模具结构; 模具分析; CAD/CAM/CAE
    Control machine wrench molding process and design of injection mold
    Abstract: The time,The mold is an important technical equipment in the industrial producing and an important basis in kinds of department’s developing in nation’s economy. Because of the rapid development of China’s plastic industry , especially in the aspect of engineering plastic. The plastic mold will develop more rapid than the whole mold industry in our country in the future. With the CAD/CAE/CAM software’s fast developing in intelligence, the plastic work pieces, the mold’s 3D design and its shaping process’ computer aided engineering will play an important role in our country’s plastic mold industry more and more. The subject of this design is “Control machine wrench molding process and design of injection mold”.Analysis the Manufacturing capacity for the rear view mirror, realizing its technical specifications and coal the practicality cases of production and manufacture-ability will be done to  design the injection plastics mold. The plastic injection mold design includes the injection molding technological process, the parting surface design, the cavity design, the core design, the particular structural design, the parts craft analysis and the choice for standard components,etc. It is detailed in introducing the piding plane, cavity disposing, the gating system, the gas withdrawal system, the heating or cooling system, the pack out or porce mechanism,and the design process for the mostly parts. The new design concepts and new design methods are adopted in the design process. Lower costs, shorten production cycles and increased productive efficiency, as using three-dimensional CAD solid model and a 3D CAD knowledge-based assisted injection mold design system for all phases of the product-mold development life cycle.
    Key words: plastic mold; injecting shape; mold structure; mold analyzing; CAD/CAE/CAM
    目  录
    1  产品说明  2
    2  塑件的分析 3
    2.1  工艺条件3
    2.1.1  材料 3
    2.1.2  注塑机注射条件 3
    2.2  PA66材料分析4
    2.3  塑件的体积和重量的计算5
    2.3.1  利用NX 7.5进行提及的计算 5
    2.3.2  产品质量计算 5
    3  注射机的型号和规格选择及校核 6
    3.1  注塑机的选用 6
    3.2  注射压力的校核 6
    3.3  锁模力的校核 7
    3.4  开模行程与推出机构的校核 7
    3.4.1  当开模行程与模具厚度无关时 7
    3.4.2  推出机构的校核 8
    4  分型面的选择  9
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