
    摘要: 结合优化设计的若干方法,从结构尺寸优化角度对爆炸成型侵彻体(Explosively Formed Penetrators ---简称EFP)的尺寸实现优化,在优化分析的基础上,对EFP的药型罩在爆炸成型过程中的几个典型瞬态进行了理论分析,探讨了可以描述EFP爆炸成型效果的估计模型。本文的主要研究内容包括:62943







    This paper realized EFP (Explosively Formed Penetrators) optimization by using several methods of optimizing design from structural and size perspective. Finally, based on optimization work, this paper gives more analysis on the EFP liner collapse process during the detonation by deep study of several typical transient processes. The followings are the main contents of this dissertation:

    (1)Combined with the theory of grey correlation degree, this paper designed variable scale quadratic programming algorithm and successfully applied it to the optimization of a new kind of EFP liner which has scale changes in all two orthogonal cross sections. An optimization function Z was constructed with a double resolution coefficient in it so as to realize synchronization optimization in only single one objective function for the liner, shell cover and explosive. To avoid system coupling error caused by directly combinatorial optimization results from single optimization for each component. This paper puts forward the concept of translation equivalent relation without directly take the grey correlation matrix elements as the resolution coefficient. In the calculation of resolution coefficient, normalization processing was strictly implemented for the grey correlation matrix elements. 

    (2)By means of global approximation method, Calman filtering technology has been used to analyze the EFP optimization design model. This paper constructs a prediction equation from the optimization point of view and an observation equation by curve fitting method. And experimental results show that the artificially constructed prediction equation has better function of iteration but inefficiency in filtering. And the results may not have practical significance beyond the scope of the simulation of historical data range.

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