    本文主要针对二级平台的控制技术进行了研究。首先对稳定平台的常见结构做了概述,分析了它们的优缺点。利用一种串联结构的二级平台,并确定了电机及其驱动器的选型,选用全温补高精度数字输出型双轴倾角传感器SDI-A626T组成姿态测量系统,实时的对姿态信息进行采集。用普通PC机器作为控制器,利用VB设计上位机用户端界面,并完成相应的VB编程。利用VB中的MSComm 控件建立串口连接,采用RS-232接线进行信息的传输。在控制系统硬件基础上,进行软件系统的设计,完成上位机与测姿传感器和电机驱动器的通信。针对稳定平台的控制策略,采用了PID算法控制。最后,通过实验进行验证和分析。
    关键词  稳定平台  串联结构 SDI-A626T传感器  VB  PID算法
    Title        Software design for stabilization platform  manipulation subsystem                      
    In engineering applications, due to equipment will be disturbed by the movement of the carrier in the working process , will make the equipment with the carrier movement, equipment can not be normal, serious impact on the measurement accuracy of the equipment.For a certain application, the interference of the equipment can be isolated from the stable platform when the equipment can interfere with the environment.This design using a two-stage stabilization platform:the first platform to disturbance of preliminary adjustment, greatly reducing the disturbance amplitude; the secondary platform to further adjust the disturbance, so as to achieve interference isolation.
    This paper mainly studies the control technology of the two stage platform.Firstly, the common structure of the stabilization platform is summarized, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed.Using a series structure of the secondary platform, and determined the motor and drive selection,the attitude measurement system is composed of the dual axis angle sensor SDI-A626T with full temperature compensation, and real-time attitude information is collected.With the ordinary PC machine as the controller, the PC user interface is designed by VB, and the corresponding VB programming is accomplished.Use VB MSComm control to establish serial connection, using RS-232 connection information transmission.Based on the hardware of the control system, the software system is designed, and the communication between the upper computer and the sensor and the motor driver is finished.For the control strategy of the platform, the PID algorithm is adopted.Finally, the experiments are verified and analyzed.
    Keywords  Stabilization platform  Series structure  SDI-A626T sensor  VB PID  algorithm
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义     1
    1.2  稳定平台国内外发展概述    2
    1.3  本文主要研究内容    3
    2  稳定平台结构选型    5
    2.1  稳定平台的结构    5
    2.2  测控系统组成    6
    2.3  电机选型    7
    2.4  驱动器选型    9
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