    毕业论文关键词   砂浆搅拌机  振动搅拌  搅拌强度  简便快捷
    Title   The desigh of the Mixing and vibration synergy mortar mixer                 
    To design the mixing and vibration synergy mortar mixer , Maintaining the advantages of the original equipment ,laboratory mixer and shaker is the premise, combined with today's research on the stirring in the field of vibration and the other types of mixing equipment on the market. It analyzed the various possible modifications in the form of good or bad. Designing a series of principles like the Simplified structure and Maintain stability of the equipment, Reduce the difficulty of processing, innovative steel structure reasonable connect the two, and then fine-tuning function was desighed,all those allow devices to controlled in a “look up” way, so that the agitator blade can be screwed or unscrewed work place. The final design meets the purpose of stirring and vibration simultaneously, and solve the problem that high-viscosity material mixed inequality during the mixing process problem, and both simple and easy to operate, in line with the laboratory's needs.
    Keywords  Mortar mixer  Vibration stirring  Stirring intensity   Easy to operate


    1  引言    2
    1.1  振动搅拌技术的发展历程及趋势    2
    1.1.1  国内外振动搅拌技术的发展历程    2
    1.2  振动搅拌技术的发展趋势    5
    1.2.1  振动搅拌设备的专用化    5
    1.2.2  振动搅拌设备的小型化    5
    2  问题的提出    5
    3  总体方案的确立    6
    3.1简化原则    6
    3.2搅拌模式的确定    6
    4  设计思路的探讨    7
    4.1设计的核心问题    7
    4.2设计方案的选择    8
    5  结构设计中的困难    10
    5.1如何保持结构的稳定性    10
    5.2 如何使设计满足实验室的使用要求    11
    5.3 如何使设计的加工尽可能的简单    11
    6  具体设计    12
    6.1抬头式铰链位置的确定    12
    6.2  钢架的设计    15
    6.2.1  钢架最优方案    15
    6.2.2  按X轴方向确定安装尺寸    16
    6.2.3  按Y轴方向确定安装尺寸    17
    6.3 轴与法兰盘的设计    18
    6.3.1轴与圆锥销    18
    6.3.2 法兰盘    19
    6.4  搅拌锅可拆卸固定底座设计    19
    7  锁紧装置的设计    21
    8  后期装配与修正    21
    9  使用说明书    23
    9.1  用途和适用范围    23
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