    关键词  总体方案  模块化  模块 人机工效  UG  ADAMS  
    Title  Overall concept design of a new type of assault rifle
    As modern war main battle form from large-scale comprehensive gradually to the high strength, low intensity of local war in the direction of development, puts forward new requirements for weapons and equipment also, in order to adapt to this change. The rifle, as the most basic of weapons and equipment, the soldiers need more possess environmental flexibility to adapt to a variety of tasks.This paper used on the basis of systematically and fully understanding the requirement and related products and research progress at foreign and domestic,combined the theory of modular design and the latest research progress,referenced the typical modern design since the 1960 s,pided the weapon system into several modules,defined the form of the module interface of the system。UGNX9.0 software as the platform, a new modular automatic rifle system is designed.This design aims to improve reliability,firing accuracy, and other important performance indicators,in order to achieve the best effect of ergonomics. And to a certain degree of structural innovation, and set aside sufficient room for improvement, constantly improve the innovation, to improve the design.At the same time,estimated some of the main parameters and firing data. ADAMS mechanical dynamics simulation is carried out for the automaton structural part.
    Keywords  overall concept  modular  module  ergonomics  UG  ADAMS
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题研究的背景与意义    1
    1.2  自动步枪总体方案设计与实际使用效能    4
    1.3  自动步枪总体方案设计国内外典型产品及现状    5
    1.4  本文研究的主要工作及相关创新成果    8
    2  新型自动步枪总体方案设计    9
    2.1  总体结构设计    9
    2.2  组件模块设计    10
    3  相关部件设计计算    29
    3.1  复进簧计算    30
    3.2  自动机运动诸元的计算    32
    3.3  枪管强度校核    34
    3.4  本章小结    36
    结  论    37
    致  谢    38
    1  引言
    1.1  课题研究的背景与意义
    1.1.1  轻武器模块化设计产生的背景
    模块化设计,最早可追溯至上世纪20年代,苏联自动武器之父、一代轻武器大师弗拉基米尔•格里高里耶文奇•费德洛夫在其著名作品——现代突击步枪始祖M1916 6.5mm自动步枪的基础之上开展的一系列标准化、模块化研究及之后与捷格加廖夫、什帕金等轻武器大师合作研制的一系列衍生型号。费德洛夫的构想在于,采用统一的机匣及自动机,不同使用性质的武器仅在少数部分具有差异。这一构想一旦实现,将大大简化武器的生产及文修过程,降低生产成本,同时开发新型枪械将变得更加快捷,战士们将更快的掌握多种武器的使用方法。
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