    摘要为了有助于大口径机枪弹药及其引信的发展,满足现代战争对大口径滑膛枪爆炸枪弹及其引信的要求,首先对大口径机枪的特点及发展做了研究。由于大口径滑膛枪弹药及其引信的文献较少,所以参考小口径火炮弹药及其引信的相关文献进行分析研究。通过研究小口径炮弹引信技术将成熟的小口径炮弹引信技术移植应用到大口径滑膛枪爆炸枪弹引信的设计上来。通过已有尺寸要求设计计算该弹总体并根据剩余空间计算设计引信总体,运用Solid Works和Auto CAD设计画出弹体零件图、装配图以及工程图。对大口径枪弹和引信的各项技术指标和要求进行了分析研究,并且对枪弹进行设计同时对引信各机构进行分析与选择,在此基础上设计了一个具有高安全性和可靠性的大口径滑膛枪爆炸枪弹及其安全型触发引信。28238
    关键词  枪弹  引信  理论计算  产品图纸  结构设计
    Title  Large diameter musket explosive bullet and its safe fuze design                                        
    In order to contribute to the development of large-caliber gun ammunition and its fuze,meet the requirements of the modern war of the large-caliber musket explosion bullet and its fuze. Because there are little literature of the large-caliber musket ammunition and its fuze, reference the relevant literature of the small-caliber artillery ammunition and its fuze. By studying small-caliber artillery fuze technology, mature small- caliber artillery fuze technology apply to design large-caliber musket bullet explosion fuze. The missile should be calculated and designed by the given required size,the fuze should be calculated and designed according to the remaining space.Design to draw elastomer diagram ,assembly drawing,and engineering draws by AutoCAD and SolidWorks.In this paper, there are analyses of technical specifications and requirements for large-caliber gun ammunition and its fuze, the main institution of the selection and design, on this basis, design a high security and reliability of large-caliber gun ammunition and its fuze.
    Keywords  Bullet  Fuze  Theoretical calculation  Product drawing   Structural design
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  枪弹发展简史    1
    1.2现代大口径枪弹的特点    2
    1.2.1定装式    2
    1.2.2旋转稳定    2
    1.2.3威力大    2
    1.2.4通用化    2
    1.2.5功能多    2
    1.2  大口径枪弹研究前景    3
    1.3  安全触发引信    3
    2  总体设计    4
    2.1  主要战术技术指标及分析    4
    2.1.1主要战术技术指标    4
    2.2枪弹设计要求    4
    2.3技术方案的分析和选择    5
    2.4枪弹结构数据确定    6
    2.4.1弹体装配方式    6
    2.4.2弹体全长    6
    2.4.3弹体头部    6
    2.4.4弹体    8
    2.4.5弹体尾部    9
    2.4.6弹体强度校核    11
    2.5主要机构的选择与设计    11
    2.5.1后坐保险机构的选择与设计    11
    2.5.2延期机构的选择约设计    13
    2.5.3瞬发触发机构的设计    14
    2.5.4隔爆机构    15
    2.5.5爆炸序列    18
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