    Title   Vibration analysis of multiple rocket system      
    Multiple rocket weapon because of its superiority to many fire suppression weapon make it popular in today's world battlefield, many countries strive to develop the weapons to strengthen their military power.Vibration characteristic of multiple rocket weapon system has a vital role to improve the dynamic performance and increase rocket firing density. First we establish the the dynamics model of multiple rocket system based on the multibody system transfer matrix method,then expressing the mechanical properties of each element of multiple rocket system in the form of  matrixes and deduce the total transfer matrix,finally using the system boundary conditions to obtain the characteristic equation of the multiple rocket system,and this characteristic equation can be solved to  obtain the natural vibration characteristic of the system.It is an effective method that use the SIMU to measure the attitude of the launching guider of the MLRS and calculate the attitude to control the vibration of it.
    Key words:Multiple rocket,Multibody system,The transfer matrix method,IMU,attitude calculation,Vibration characteristics
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  多管火箭的组成及其发展    1
    1.2  研究的背景及意义    2
    1.3  国内外研究现状    3
    2  多管火箭系统坐标系    5
    2.1  坐标系的定义    5
    2.2  坐标系之间的关系    7
    2.3  坐标变换    9
    3  多管火箭武器系统发射动力学模型    12
    3.1  多管火箭武器系统发射动力学模型    12
    3.2  本章小结    13
    4  多管火箭武器系统振动特性分析    14
    4.1  多管火箭的状态矢量    14
    4.2  多管火箭各部分的传递矩阵    15
    4.3  多管火箭系统总传递矩阵    21
    4.4  多管火箭的特征方程    22
    4.5  本章小结    23
    5  多管火箭武器系统振动解算    24
    5.1  多管火箭武器系统定向器振动解算    24
    5.2  多管火箭系统定向器振动分析与仿真结果    28
    5.3  本章小结    29
    结  论    31
    致  谢    32
    参考文献    33
    1  绪论
    1.1  多管火箭的组成及其发展
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