


    毕业论文关键词  环形EFP  聚能装药  侵彻  串联战斗部  数值模拟  混凝土


    Title    The new anti-runway ammunition                     

    Abstract The method of theory analysis and typical experience and numerical simulation being used in this paper, application the theory of tandem warhead technique to anti-runway ammunition is studied. Experiment research and numerical simulation on terminal effect of anti-runway tandem warhead will benefit to warhead design.Experience summed up by our predecessors, the structural design proposal of in the front of annular shaped charge. Annular EFP is annular explosively formed penetrator in the circumferential and symmetrical direction of the annular liner formed from the annular liner invert as the detonation productions. 

    Based on the equivalent momentum of both parts of the liner at its collision point along the axis and the mass compensation of the liner parts, the structural design proposal of annular EFP shaped charge, based on the LS-DYNA software, by using the element technology to numerical simulate and analyze the warhead penetration question, and design of the tandem following the back charge. At last, complete graph of anti-runway tandem warhead after repeatedly.

    Keywords  annular EFP  shaped charge  penetration  tandem warhead  numerical simulation  concrete

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  引言 1

    1.2  反机场弹药国内外发展趋势 1

    1.3  EFP研究现状及发展趋势 3

    1.4  串联战斗部研究概况及发展趋势 6

    1.5  本文的研究目的、手段和主要内容 10

    2  机场跑道目标易损性综述 13

    2.1  机场跑道目标特性分析 13

    2.2  机场跑道失效特性分析 13

    2.3  混凝土侵彻相关理论 14

    3  前级装药的设计理论和形成机理 17

    3.1  环形聚能装药结构设计的理论依据 17

    3.2  环形EFP形成的理论研究 20

    4  前级装药环形EFP的成型和侵彻能力的仿真计算 29

    4.1  LS/DYNA简介 29

    4.2  前级装药环形EFP的建模 32

    4.3  前级装药结构成型和侵彻过程的数值模拟分析

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