    关键词  超声电机  重复定位精度  光电编码器  光电门  光栅盘  LabVIEW
    Title   Multi-parameter test method for ultrasonic motors
    Before officially put into operation and entering the market,the output speed range, torque range, repeat accuracy , noise, life and other parameters of ultrasonic motor must be measured and demarcated.Otherwise,it is easily to make the ultrasonic motor not working properly,or even damage to the user’s equipment.Therefore, the parameters of ultrasonic motor must be measured and demarcated, this article has designed a complete ultrasonic motor parameter test system.
    The test system consists of ultrasonic motor speed tests, corner test, repeat positioning accuracy of the test, positive test, torque test, and other subsystems,use photoelectric encoders, photoelectric door and grating disk as sensor.First, design the multi-parameter test system’s hardware for ultrasonic motor, by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various types of hardware, determine the hardware required to use in this test system, and install and fix part of the hardware.Then using LabVIEW programming language to write test software of the test system, the test software is mainly used to capture waveform signals that photoelectric encoder and the other sensors outputted, including the data processing and analysis, the results show and other content. Finally, get the error evaluation of the measured data, and analyze the reasons for the error, and propose appropriate measures to reduce the error.
    Keywords  ultrasonic motor repeat accuracy  optical encoder  optical gate  grating disk  LabVIEW
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  本课题研究的目的及意义    1
    1.3  本课题的研究现状    1
    1.4  本课题的研究内容    2
    2  超声电机多参数测试系统的设计原理    4
    2.1  系统设计要求    4
    2.2  总体方案设计    4
    2.3  设备选择    5
    2.3.1  PXI设备    5
    2.3.2  光电编码器    6
    2.3.3  光电开关及其调理电路    7
    2.4  超声电机转速、转角测量系统    9
    2.4.1  转速测量原理    9
    2.4.2  转角测量原理    10
    2.5  超声电机转矩测量系统    10
    2.6  本章小结    11
    3  测试系统的软件设计    12
    3.1  电机串口通信软件的设计    12
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