    Hydraulic comprehensive test bench measurement and control system design of the computer automatic control
    [Abstract]Hydraulic experiment platform is a very important experiment equipment in the hydraulic transmission course,it plays an important role for the teaching of undergraduate and experiment.
        Computer measurement and control system is an auxiliary tools in the system of hydraulic automatic control.According to the overall scheme of the hydraulic experiment system,measurement and control module is designed, including the system of electronic control  and data acquisition or conversion.
        In the design of electronic control module, according to hydraulic system,the motor  control,the manual and automatic switching control of hydraulic system,the vane pump,s control are designed. In the design of data acquisition and conversion module, according to different types of data conversion, I design collection and transmission mode .On the premise of the lab environment, electrical components are selected .According to the size of components and the connection between each other, the console panel layout and appearance is also designed.
        In the design of software, according to the experiment requirement,I design the diagram of the software framework and procedure ,compile the measurement and control software by C# language , realizing the control of the hydraulic system.According to the measurement and control software installation and debugging matters, I designed the steps of installation and the methods of debugging carefully and we need to pay attention to it.
    [Key words] hydraulic test table; computer technology; measuring and controlling system; automation
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 课题综述及研究意义    1
    1.2 国内外液压实验台和测控系统发展与研究现状    1
    1.3 课题设计的初步方案    3
    1.4 本章小结    4
    第二章 总体方案设计    5
    2.1 电控系统    6
    2.2 数据采集与转换    8
    2.3 本章小结    10
    第三章 电气系统设计    11
    3.1 电控系统设计    11
    3.1.1主电路设计    11
    3.1.2控制电路设计    11
        3.1.3 系统工作原理    12
    3.2 数据采集与转换系统设计    17
        3.2.1连接电路设计    17
        3.2.2系统工作原理    17
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