    关键词  底部排气弹  减阻增程  数值模拟  底排参数
    Title    the Base Bleed Projectile Analysis of Drag Reduction
    Modern warfare has a high demand to range, this paper study on the base bleed projectile, which makes use of drag reduction for extended-range, the base bleed or not and different parameters as the research object, analysis the effect on extended- range.It is an important prerequisite for numerical analysis drag reduction of the base bleed bullet that correct understanding and building the mechanism of drag reduction and extended range flight dynamics model and the base bleed drag reduction model. Size of bleeding hole, base bleed grain burning rate, base grain structures,projectile Mach, largely determine the aerodynamic characteristics of the base bleed bullet. In his paper, through comparative analysis to analyze the influence the effects on the drag reduction of different quanties of these factors, in order to get the bestness bleed parameters ,which befit the regularities of bleed.Considering the mutual influences and contacts among these parameters, under limited conditions maximize the bleed’s effect, improve the flight qualities.
    Keywords:the base bleed projectile, extended-range of drag reduction, numerical simulation, the base bleed parameters
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  增大火炮射程的方法    1
    1.3  底排增程    3
    1.4  底部排气弹的国内发展概况及研究现状    4
    1.5  本文主要研究内容    7
    2  底排弹弹道模型的建立    8
    2.1  引言    8
    2.2  底排减阻机理的描述    8
    2.3  底排药柱的燃烧定律    9
    2.3.1  常用的燃速定律    9
    2.3.2  弹丸转速对药柱燃速的影响    11
    2.4  底排装置的内弹道模型    11
    2.4.1  一文等熵定常流    11
    2.4.2  三种特殊状态    13
    2.4.3  底排装置内压力微分方程的建立    14
    2.4.4  药柱燃烧面积及燃气所占体积    15
    2.4.5  燃气质量流率    17
    2.4.6  底排装置内燃气压力的计算    18
    2.5  底排弹阻力系数cD的确定    20
    2.5.1  与减阻效果有关的几个概念    20
    2.5.2  底阻减小率RcDb的确定    20
    2.5.3  无底排时底阻系数cDB0b的确定    22
    2.6  底部排气弹的外弹道模型    23
    2.6.1  底排弹外弹道模型的粗略介绍    23
    2.6.2  简单质点弹道模型    23
    2.6.3  底排弹弹道方程    24
    3  数值模拟结果及分析    26
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