    摘要针对工厂或者客户对35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器引信在可靠性、安全处理以及一系列问题提出改进性的要求,对35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器在给定的环境下进行结构分析、强度校核、勤务处理分析以及引信性能分析,并给出改进意见和建议,以满足客户需求。采用理论力学、材料力学所学知识对引信诸元的强度校核和计算,尤其在各个零件结合处、螺纹连接处、零件薄弱处以及在作用时由于环境严苛零件可能出现的强度问题,使得引信在不同环境下能够安全可靠,且在作用时安全有效。通过对35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器引信的结构分析、作用过程分析等,计算后坐保险性能、离心保险性能,分析球转子转正发生的情况,以确保新引信的保险和作用可靠。此外对35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器引信发火机构进行了性能计算和检验,对引信平时安全性进行了评估。结果表明:新35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器引信满足强度要求,大多数零件满足大批量生产要求、能够保证后坐保险、离心保险等可靠作用,且满足大着角触发可靠发火、平时安全性等。新引信可靠解除保险,大着角发火且可靠,满足弹丸引信总体设计,也满足工厂设计生产需要。 25416
    关键词  35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器 结构分析 强度校核 性能计算
    Title    Design for Contact Fuze of the 35 mm-caliber Automatic   Grenade Launcher Triggered by Self-destruction Warhead  
    Structure analysis, Intensity verification, Service processing analysis and Fuze performance analysis of the new type fuze are expounded and proved in detail, in order to meet the needs of the customers, which propose the improvement requirements of the reliability and safety. To make sure the fuze can be safe and reliable in different circumstances, and be effective when it is active, the Intensity verification of the every part of the fuze is calculated, especially where might be easy to come problems when it works in some harsh conditions. Recoil safety performance and centrifugal insurance performance are calculated by analyzing the structure and the processing of the fuze, to ensure that the function and the insurance of the fuze can work properly. Moreover, the performance of ignition mechanism is calculated and tested, and the safety of the fuze in usual condition is also estimated. The results show that the intensity of the new fuze meets the requirement, most parts of the new fuze can be mass-produced, the recoil insurance and the centrifugal insurance can work properly and the fuze can be safe in usual condition.
    Keywords  35 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher Triggered Warhead, Structure analysis, Intensity verification, Performance calculation
    目  次
    1 引言    1
    1.1 选题背景和意义    1
    1.1.1 小口径自动榴弹发射器简单介绍    1
    1.1.2 自动榴弹发射器的发展现状    1
    1.2 本课题的主要研究内容和方向    2
    2 引信结构和系统分析    3
    2.1 结构分析    3
    2.2 作用原理    3
    2.3 新引信改进及对比    3
    3 35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器相关的设计计算以及校核    5
    3.1 工作环境    5
    3.2 概述    5
    3.3 引信设计依据    6
    3.3.1 弹药设计系统诸元    6
    3.4 35 mm口径自动榴弹发射器弹道计算    7
    3.4.1 外弹道计算    7
    3.4.2 过载系数计算    9
    3.5 引信零件强度计算    10
    3.5.1 引信各零件质量计算    10
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