    摘要折叠翼被广泛使用在各种类型的导弹或制导弹药上,其技术的关键在于展开机构的设计。本文以智能反坦克弹药(BAT)为背景,借助带约束条件的多文优化问题数学模型,对弹翼及声阵列展开机构进行了优化设计。文中选取翼臂长度和翼臂偏折角为设计变量,采用序列二次规划(SQP)方法对优化模型进行解算。得出设计变量的优化值之后,调整展开机构的驱动力使得翼面、声阵列组件在展开动作的初始及结束阶段有较低的旋转角速度,以使弹翼的展开对弹体飞行姿态的影响减到最小。之后依据计算得的优化尺寸在Pro-E软件中建立组件模型,并测量组件在展开过程中的运动学、动力学参数,在ANASY Workbench环境中对关键零件进行强度校核。25414
    关键词   折叠翼  优化设计  智能反坦克弹药  序列二次规划方法 
    Title    Acoustic Array Expand Linkage Optimum Design                    
    Folding wings are widely used in various types of missiles or guided munitions, the key technology is designed to expand the agency.Taking the Brainpower Antitank Munition(BAT) as the background in this paper,the wings and acoustic array deployment mechanism were optimized designed with the Multidimensional optimization problem with constraints mathematical model.Using the sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method to solver the optimization model that selects the wing arm length and the deflection angle of the wing arm as design variables.Having reached the optimal value of the design variables,adjust expanding driving force to makes the airfoil and sound array components have a lower rotational angular velocity in the expanded operation at the beginning and end of the stage to make the wings expanded influence on missile flight attitude minimized .According optimization results,establish assembly model deployment mechanism within the pro-e software.And the kinematics and kinetic parameters of the components during the deployment were measured. The strength of the key parts is checked in the ANASY Workbench environment.
    Keywords  Folding wing    Optimized design  
    Brainpower Antitank Munition
    Sequential Quadratic Programming
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  展开机构的研究现状    1
    1.3  论文的主要工作内容    3
    1.4  论文的组织    4
    2  展开机构的机械原理和方案设计    5
    2.1  声阵列定位原理    5
    2.2  展开机构运动原理    7
    2.3  展开机构的方案设计    8
    2.3.1  主要参数确定    8
    2.3.2  确定机构方案    8
    3  展开机构受力分析及其动力学模型    11
    3.1  展开机构的受力    11
    3.1.1  电机推力    11
    3.1.2  翼面空气动力分析    11
    3.1.3  摩擦力矩    15
    3.2  展开机构的动力学模型建立    16
    4  展开机构的优化设计和计算    18
    4.1  优化问题的数学模型介绍    18
    4.2  展开机构的优化模型建立    19
    4.2.1  确定设计变量    19
    4.2.2  建立目标函数    20
    4.3  优化模型解算    21
    4.3.1  序列二次规划(SQP)方法    21
    4.3.2  编程计算    23
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