    关键词  脉冲爆轰发动机  燃烧转爆轰  数值模拟  热点
    Title   Numerical simulation of deflagration-to-detonation transition in pulse detonation engine           
    As a new concept of propulsive engine, pulse detonation engine (PDE) uses intermittent detonation to generate thrust. Compared with current propulsive engines, PDE has a wide working range, high thermodynamic efficiency, high specific impulse and low fuel consumption. Study on DDT is one of key techniques in PDE which has been developed into an important subject in the field of aerospace propulsive system. In this paper, DDT courses of PDE have been studied using numerical simulation, mainly include following aspects
    In this paper, some work has been done on numerical simulation of DDT process in PDE and results have been achieved as followed:
    a) The DDT process in a smooth duct has been numerically simulated under varying ignition location. Based on the simulating results, some research work on phases of DDT process has been done. Results show that DDT distance is minimized with the ignitor located one combustor diameter from the head wall.
    b) The DDT process in obstructed channels has been numerically simulated under varying obstacle blockage ratio. Results show that, hot spots will be generated in the corner of obstacle, which has a great effect on DDT process. And DDT distance decreases with increased blockage ratio.
    Keywords  Pulse detonation engine  Deflagration-to-detonation transition
              Numerical simulation   Hot spot
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  脉冲爆轰发动机概念    1
    1.3  研究概况及关键技术    3
    1.4  本文主要研究内容    6
    2  爆轰的物理基础    7
    2.1  爆轰波与缓燃波的区别    7
    2.2  爆轰波的传播    7
    2.3  爆轰波结构    10
    3  数值计算方法    13
    3.1  基本假设    13
    3.2  数学模型    13
    3.3  求解方法    17
    4  光滑圆管内DDT过程数值模拟    18
    4.1  引言    18
    4.2  计算模型    18
    4.3  数值模拟结果    18
    4.4  不同点火位置的DDT过程模拟    24
    4.5  小结    31
    5  带障碍物的圆管内DDT过程数值模拟    32
    5.1  引言    32
    5.2  计算模型    32
    5.3  数值模拟结果    32
    5.4  不同障碍物阻塞比的DDT过程模拟    38
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