    关键词:微纳卫星 三轴磁强计 传感器芯片
    Title  The design and development of high precision three-axis  magnetometer    
    Nanosat usually refers to the quality of less than 10 kg, which has the function of actual use satellitesNanosat is based on and developed from microelectronics technology, micro-electromechanical technology, light electrical technology such as micro/nano technology which reflects the development trend of the spacecraft is miniaturization。
    Applicable to the Nanosat  magnetometer design , in three magnetic field value output function under the premise of need to meet due to the special decision of cubic star series of design requirements。First of all ,on the design concept, highlight the integration and modularization design, reduce the complexity of the system。At the same time, pay attention to the MEMS devices and the selection of micro power consumption device, reduce the power consumption of the cubic star in volume, the problems facing。Secondly, the design should be considered low costs, by mature commercial devices (COTS) rather than space device as well as the innovation on the test link test method, so as to realize the efficient of cube, a satellite cost ratio.
    Keywords  cubesat  three-axis magnetometer  sensor chip
    目   次
    1    引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.1.1 微纳卫星    2
    1.1.2 欧盟QB50项目    2
    1.1.3 NJUST-1双单元立方星    3
    1.1.4 三轴磁强计    3
    1.2  国内外研究现状    3
    1.2.1传感器芯片    4
    1.2.2 国内外立方体纳卫星的磁强计模块芯片    5
    1.3  课题研究的目的与意义    6
    1.4  主要的研究内容    6
    1.5  本章小结    6
    2    姿控任务分析    7
    2.1  姿控系统方案设计      7
    2.2  姿控系统硬件组成    7
    2.3  系统对磁强计模块要求    8
    2.4  本章小结    8
    3    三轴磁强计设计    9
    3.1  三轴磁强计原理及方案    9
    3.2  HMC2003介绍    9
    3.3  电路设计    11
    3.3.1AD采集电路设计    11
    3.3.2 供电系统设计    12
    3.3.3 RC滤波设计    14
    3.3.4 置复位电路设计    15
    3.4 PCB设计    16
    3.4.1绘制电路原理图    17
    3.4.2规划电路板    17
    3.4.3 设置参数    17
    3.4.4 元器件封装    18
    3.4.5 元器件布局    18
    3.4.6 布线    20
    3.4.7 最终设计方案    20
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