    关键词  超声速弹翼  飞行马赫数  升力系数  阻力系数 
    Title Supersonic  wing  aerodynamic  characteristics  simulation analysis                                               
    Abstract: Form of modern warfare are more and more three-dimensional, so supersonic missile power and accuracy of the increasingly high demand, this means that the supersonic wing must have a high mobility characteristics, have a larger normal overload, that is the main lifting surface supersonic missiles need to be able to produce enough normal force, but also the need to improve the missile lift-drag ratio. Supersonic wing is the main lifting surface supersonic tactical missile, domestic and foreign research data shows that supersonic wing design is crucial to improve the maneuverability of missiles, missile suffered lower resistance, to ensure the stability of missile flight. Supersonic wing lift coefficient, the drag coefficient, lift-drag ratio with supersonic wing aspect ratio, the root is slightly more than the equivalent sweep, airfoil thickness, airfoil shape geometric design parameters and flight Mach number, the flight of the related with the angle of attack. In this paper, through the use of UG, ICEM, FLUENT software for three-dimensional model of supersonic wing establishment, meshing, numerical simulation, research the effects of these parameters on the lift and drag coefficients of supersonic wing, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various geometric parameters on the basis of an airfoil.
    Keywords  Supersonic wing  Flight Mach  Lift coefficient  Drag coefficient
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  国外超声速导弹及弹翼研究现状    1
    1.1.1  美国超声速导弹研究现状    2
    1.1.2  俄罗斯超声速导弹研究现状    2
    1.2  国外超声速导弹及弹翼发展经验与趋势    4
    1.3  本文研究的项目和问题    5
    2  研究任务说明    6
    2.1  设计任务说明    6
    2.2  设计任务要求与原则    6
    2.3  设计参考依据    6
    2.3.1  翼面在弹身周侧的布置形式    7
    2.3.2  翼面沿弹身纵轴的布置形式    8
    2.3.3  与机动性有关的弹翼几何参数    9
    3超声速弹翼三文几何建模    14
    3.1本文超声速弹翼的设计方案    14
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