    关键词:  微型涡喷发动机  工作原理  热力计算  性能测试
    Title   20Kg micro turbojet engine design and performance testing                  
    Turbojet engine is not only has low fuel consumption as well as structure and manufacturing process is relatively easy, but also has high thrust-weight ratio advantage and is well able to meet the power demand of small aircraft, such as the unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles and missile patrol, so the micro gas turbine engine attracts increasingly widespread concern. In the combustion chamber of micro gas turbine engine, temperature, pressure, speed of gas has an important effect on engine performance. It is necessary for the testing test to ensure all the micro gas turbine engine performance indicators in line with requirements of the material environment as well as it could work properly and efficiently.
    This paper discusses a commissioning phase of the speed of 120000/min, thrust for the features of structure design of micro turbine jet engine of 200N. First introduced the overall structure of micro turbojet engine; after the theoretical part of the basic working principle of the turbojet engine and the introduction of the various components of the test section; finally is the basic performance test bench used our modified engine branch.
    Key word:   Micro turbojet engine  Working principle  Thermodynamic calculation    Performance test
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  涡轮喷气发动机的历史    1
    1.2  涡喷发动机的国内外发展状况    1
    1.2.1  国外研究进展    1
    1.2.2  国内发展概况    3
    1.3  微型涡轮喷气发动机的总体构造特点    5
    1.4  本文研究的主要内容    6
    2  微型涡轮喷气发动机的设计过程    7
    2.1  基本假设及关键参数的设定步骤    7
    2.1.1  工作原理介绍    7
    2.1.2  关键参数的确定    9
    2.2  涡轮喷气发动机各部件设计和设计要求    11
    2.2.1  压气机的选择和结构    11
    2.2.2  燃烧室的结构和选择    12
    2.2.3  涡轮的结构和选择    16
    2.2.4  尾喷管的选取    17
    2.3  热力计算过程    18
    3  发动机的性能测试台的搭建    21
    3.1  MIK5000A宽屏彩色无纸记录仪的概述    21
    3.2  推力传感器    23
    3.3  压力传感器    24
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