    毕业论文关键词  ABS  控制算法  建模   Simulink仿真
    Title    Modeling and Simulation of PID Control     of the Vehicle Anti-lock Braking System                                                  
    During braking, ABS can make it more ideal driving stability, anti-jamming ability and braking distance.
    Time-varying, nonlinear and uncertainties are the properties of the car, so the control arithmetic of the braking system is the main factors affecting the braking performance. It introduces the basic concepts of PID control and parameter tuning of PID controllers and so on. By forcing analysis of the vehicle during braking, it sets up the necessary model of the vehicle, simplified dynamic model of vehicle, tire model based on the “Magic Formula”, and carrying out the simulation in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Still, vehicle anti-lock braking characteristic is analyzed On different road conditions.
    Traditional braking system has about 5.5 seconds braking time, about 80 meters braking distance and need 0.5 seconds lock wheel. ABS has 4 seconds braking time, 60 meters braking distance and no locking. It means that ABS has obvious advantages.
    Keywords  ABS  Control Arithmetic  Mathematics Models  Simulation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  ABS的概述    1
    1.2  ABS的发展历程与研究    1
    1.3  ABS的优点    2
    1.4  ABS的发展趋势与前景    2
    1.5  本文研究的内容    4
    2  ABS的简介    5
    2.1  ABS的基本原理和组成    5
    2.2  ABS的类型    7
    2.3  ABS的控制原理    9
    2.4  ABS的几种控制算法简介    10
    2. 5  本章小结    12
    3 ABS数学模型的建立    13
    3. 1  1/4车辆动力学模型的建立    13
    3.2  轮胎模型的建立    14
    3.3  制动系统模型的建立    15
    3.4  滑移率计算模型的建立    17
    3.5  ABS的建模及仿真方法    17
    3.6  本章小结    18
    4 PID控制器设计及仿真分析    19
    4.1  逻辑开关控制和PID控制    19
    4.2  PID控制器设计    20
    4.3  仿真结果及分析    22
    4.4  本章小结    27
    结  论    28
    致  谢    29
    参 考 文 献    30
    附 录A    32
    附 录B    35
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