

    3D modeling and five-axis NC machining for Φ 200 intergral impeller
    Abstract:Integral impeller as power machinery of key components, are widely used in aerospace and other fields, its processing technology has been an important subject in manufacturing.But for 5 _axis free_formed surface machining technology by its unique superiority in complex, high-precision parts processing plays a more and more important role.Paper Φ 200 integral impeller is studied as an example, the geometric shape, tool, cutting tool path planning, NC machining technology is analyzed and the research content, and use the CAM module design the knife road track, the post processing to generate NC file.So as to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, has great practical significance.
    With the design theory and technology, the society to the product persification of the increasingly strong, product updates faster, more variety, small batch production has increased significantly, in the intense market competition requirements of product development and production cycle is shorter and shorter, high efficiency and high quality processing traditional processing equipment and manufacturing method has been difficult to adapt to this kind of persity, flexibility and complex shape parts requirements. Therefore, in recent decades, can effectively solve the complex surface machining, precision, small batch and complex parts processing of CNC machine tools and corresponding NC technology obtained the rapid development and wide application of the manufacturing technology, fundamental changes have taken place in. Three axis NC milling machine is X, Y, Z three direction linkage, therefore can produce 3D surface shape. In twentieth Century 60, abroad in the aviation industry to the production of two rotary motion into the CNC machine tool, using five coordinate NC milling machining parts. Five coordinate milling machine in addition to linear motion X, Y, Z three direction, coupled with the cutter or workpiece around the X, Y, Z in the two axis swing or rotation. Five coordinate NC is the difficulty in NC technology is one of the largest, the most widely used technique, it is a computer control, high performance servo drive and precision machining technology, high efficiency, precision, automation processing is applied to the complex surface. At present, processing more use of NC machining method of three axis, five axis to perform complex surface. The complex structure of impeller, the ship shuttle box of aero engine propeller are typical examples of five coordinate machining.
    CNC machining technology in addition to machine tool manufacturing technology of hardware, and is an important technology to NC programming technology, it directly affects the accuracy and efficiency of CNC machining. MIT cooperation with America each aircraft company, developed the first generation of automatic programming of NC machine tool tool APT language, it is a kind of symbolic language to English geometry and tool on the workpiece, the tool relative to the workpiece movement with the definition of. Then, the world has developed different characteristics and professional stronger APT derivative language. Research Department of automation in China machinery industry, aviation technology research and the aircraft factory has developed a PCL, SKC-2, SKC-3, CAM-251, dragon, dragon, 97 81 C-SURF, AD80, NC87, ATP/GI, CAMS, CADS machining and surface modeling / processing system, the whole machine is defined and key parts processing a variety of aircraft models. The application of CAD/CAM general system wide total of Pro/Engineering, UG, CATIA, Master CAM, Solid Works, I-DEAS etc.. Some multi axis CNC machine tool manufacturers of advanced and professional processing factory impeller are introduced NC software dedicated to the impeller. Lack of NC machining for impeller in the our country programming software, a few domestic factories have to realize the advantages, to special software is introduced, but the price is expensive. Impeller NC machining software development China property so imminent.
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