    毕业论文关键词:邮件分拣机 PLC 变频
    Ring Distributed Mail Sorting Machine Control System Design
    With the continuous development of economic society, the machines are increasingly required to be intellectualized in order to save the human resources and improve the economic efficiency. Under this background, State Postal Bureau decided to start the Interconnection-intercommunication engineering construction of postal service business system and the net transport system. Within the scope of the postal network service, they operate the beta-network-rization mode to deal with the record mails.
    This article’s purpose is to realize the wholly functions of the control system that are signal recognization, receiving and sorting. According to the requirement of the sorting signal, it is going to need to design an automatic sorting system to realize the sorting system according to the brand, destination, or the the name of the receiver. It is also going to need to finish the choosing of components and design of the control system, to realize the control of the sorting, transporting devices and the sorting crossings, which include the hardware configuration, the developing of software and the design of frequency control of speed.
    Key words: Mail Sorting Machine PLC frequency control of speed
    目  录
    1.绪论    4
    1.1 引言    4
    1.2 分拣机的发展状况    4
    1.3分拣机控制系统的发展概述    5
    1.4课题的任务    5
    2.方案论证    6
    2.1 单片机控制系统    6
    2.2 PLC控制系统    7
    2.3 综合比较    8
    3.选型    10
    3.1 上包系统    10
    3.2 环形圈系统    12
    3.3 落包系统    14
    4.PLC的硬件配置    16
    5.变频调速的设计    17
    6.机械机构的设计    19
    6.1 拨盘的设计    19
    7. 流程图    21
    8.电气系统接线图    22
    9.PLC程序梯形图    23
    10.通信    24
    11.设计小结    25
    12.参考资料    26
    13.附录    27
    14.致谢    28
    1 绪论
    1.1 引言

    原来的分拣控制系统是由工作人员手工往一个特制的分拣键盘上输入格口号, 键盘将该号码传给分拣控制机, 以控制小车到达该格口的时候翻转。
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