

    毕业论文关键词  整体式固体火箭冲压发动机 结构设计


    Title  The Structural Design of Integral Solid Propellant Rocket Ramjets Abstract

    According to the design theory of rocket, the paper does the research on the structural design of integral solid propellant rocket ramjets based on meter missile. Through the way of analysis and calculation, the paper finds out the program of propellant structure, material selection, thickness of shell and thermal protection of the gas generator and boost combustor. The paper designs the structure of double nozzle according to the size of boost nozzle which based on calculating internal ballistic. Then the paper test on the properness of boost propellant through calculation missile aerodynamic force. At last, the paper makes out structures and assembly of serial parts with UG. The paper clearly shows the various machining technology and connection methods, and in the end makes out the structure of integral solid propellant rocket ramjets.

    Keywords  integral solid propellant rocket ramjets   structural design

    1  引言 1

    1.1  国外冲压发动机研究状况 2

    1.2  国内冲压发动机研究状况 3

    1.3  整体式固体火箭冲压发动机发展的关键技术 4

    1.4  第三代整体式固体火箭冲压发动机代表----“流星”导弹 5

    1.5  固体火箭冲压发动机的应用前景 7

    1.6  本文所做的主要工作 7

    1.7  小结 8

    2  燃气发生器结构设计 9

    2.1  燃气发生器装药设计 9

    2.2  燃气发生器壳体设计 12

    2.3  封头设计 14

    2.4  连接环设计 15

    2.5  连接方式设计 16

    2.6  热防护设计 17

    3  助推补燃室结构设计 21

    3.1  助推补燃室装药设计 21

    3.2  导弹气动力计算 24

    3.3  助推段内弹道计算 29

    3.4  补燃室壳体设计 31

    3.5  连接方式设计 33

    3.6  热防护设计 34

    4  进气道结构设计 36

    5  喷管结构设计 37

    结  论 39

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